SRC Residents Set Ablaze Plantation Houses, As Mysterious Deaths, Disappearances On The Increase

A Correspondent of the state radio station, the ELBC has disclosed that the people of Margibi County, specifically on the plantation of the Salala Rubber Corporation are said to be in constant fears as the mysterious deaths and disappearances of residents of the are on the increase.

According to the Correspondent, this situation has compelled traditional leaders in the County to release what he called ‘Country Devils’ to robustly launch a search of one of the victims, the 86-year man who was went on his farm has mysteriously disappeared.

Prior to the mysterious disappearance of the 86-year man, a 25-year old man was also mysteriously found dead after it was reported that he has been missing for few days.

As a result of these terrifying incidents, the state radio Correspondent said aggrieved residents of the area in their number set ablaze some houses of the plantation, a situation that made local police in the county to move on the plantation to avoid further destruction.

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