UCMAS Launched In Liberia, As Education Minister Applauds Initiative

The Universal Concept Mental Arithmetic System or UCMAS established 1993 and spread-out in 72 countries around the world has been launched in Liberia, with the Liberian Education Minister applauding the initiative on the part of the founder.

Speaking during the launch today at the head office of the Liberia Chamber of Commerce, Minister Professor Ansu D. Sonii, Sr. said the initiative by UCMAS’ management to come to Liberia and establish its offices in the country must be commended noting, “The learning skills our kids in math will drastically be improved, we are excited of this initiatives,” the Liberian Minister of Education speaking at the launch stressed.

For his part, the Managing Director of UCMAS in Ghana, Girish Gurbani before going further praised the President of the Liberia Chamber of Commerce, Mr. J. Wendell Addy who he met on a flight while traveling to Sierra Leone on UCMAS operation, adding, “Mr. Addy encouraged me to bring this organization to Liberia, I am pleased to be in Liberia for this launch,” Gurbani speaking with excitement said.

Mr. Gurbani who came with one of the kids, eleven years old from UCMAS Ghana who splendidly demonstrated his UCMAS skills, the kid at the amazement of the gathering including students from various schools in Monrovia and Firestone with their sponsors .

Little Prince who swiftly added and subtracted huge figures with the exact answers in a split second amazingly drew the attention of his Liberian colleagues and teachers for his mathematics skills with a thunderous applauds from the gathering.

The Director for UCMAS Liberia, Ms. Elizabeth Addy speaking at the program spoke highly of the importance of this new method of learning being introduced will help in molding the minds of kids in pursue of their dreamed career.
She said her organization UCMAS Liberia will strive to provide mental development course that would help students and working adults improve their mental abilities, and further noted that UCMAS will envision, and however thanked Mr. Gurbani for given her the opportunity to head the organization in Liberia.
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