The Diamond protesters at the resident of President Weah

Police Flog Gbarpolu Citizens At President Weah’s Residence In Demand Of 53.3 Carat Diamond

By Amos Harris

The Diamond protesters at the resident of President Weah

Officers of the Liberia National Police on Thursday of this week reportedly   brutalized a peaceful diamond protesters who had come from Gbarpolu County and gathered at the Rehab Community rsidence of President Weah in demand of their share of the 53.3-carat diamond found in their county.

The protesters also demanded the immediate dismissal of the Assistant Minister of Mines Emmanuel T.T. Swen, for withholding the precious stone valued over Five Million United States Dollars.

The diamond in question was reportedly found by Mohammed Kamara, commonly called Jr, at a diamond creek in Gbarpolu.

The protesters led by Bill Blama Smith   the official spokesperson for the family and uncle of Mohammed Kamara, alias “Jack” and creek owner, Ma Fatu  Borbor, Thursday, June 1, stormed the President’s Jamaica Resort residence, calling for the dismissal of Assistant Minister Swen, who they accused of stealing and robbing them of their found wealth.

They accused the Assistant Minister of stealing the diamond while propagating misleading information to the public.

According to the protesters, the 53.3-carate diamond was found by Mohammed Kamara, commonly known as “Iron Jacket” at Claim Number #9 Diamond Creek in Gbarpolu.

The creek is owned by Ma Fatu Nyumah Borbor, said to be an experienced business woman with over 40 years in mineral business.

The Protester Bill Blama Smith narrates that it was during a regular routine that Mr. Kamara  found the diamond, and while informing authorities of the township, the news spread like wildfire.

Meanwhile, the spokesperson disclosed that Assistant Minister of Mines, Emmanuel T.T. Swen got involved and the stone was presented to him, as a representative of the government, but the minister has refused to return the diamond over to the rightful owner.

Speaking to a team  of  journalists  Mohammed Kamara disclosed   that  he found the diamond, while working at Ma Fatu  Borbor Creek, and informed neighbors, but was told to report it to the Ministry of Mines which has jurisdiction over mineral matters to ensure the right things are done so that all parties will benefit.

  “We will not sleep and will not rest until our diamond is given back”

He has tried to use his influence to intimidate us, and taken away our diamond and given it to those he prefers to sell it to and enjoy our sweat, but this will not work”, he stated.

He further accuses Minister Swen of giving the diamond to one “Kpaku” to keep, whom, according to him, was instructed to give them US$100,000 to forget about the matter, but eventually, he allegedly gave them US$88,000 which they rejected and instead,  requested their diamondback.

 The family spokesperson expresses dissatisfaction about the amount given to him and his team, as Minister Swen , gives me US$88,000 as bonus for my 53.3-carat diamond; this is unfair  to and my  family” he said

 “I need my diamond so we can have the real way of selling the diamond. We can’t sell diamonds without miners and the government”, he said.

Meanwhile Ma Fatu Borbor, owner of the mine where the diamond was  found, cries out to Minister Swen to return the diamond to Mohammed Kamara, who she describes as her brother-in-law.

 “I am appealing to our President, George Weah, to come to my rescue by returning to me my diamond discovered in my creek”, she demands.

Madam Borbor, “We need our diamond. I am appealing  to President George Manneh Weah to intervene so that it will benefit the district and county at large,  theis diamond  will  benefit the people of Henry Town  and other   towns  and villages , this an opportunity for   children of Henry town”, she said .

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