LIBERIA: PAC Elder Board Wants Immediate Reinstatement Of 10 Employees ‘Illegally’ Redundant At MOPP

From Mack Rogers| GNN Correspondent | Grand Cape Mount County |

The Elder Board of the Project Affected Community of the than Sime Darby Plantation, now the Mano Oil Palm Plantation operating in both Bomi and Grand Cape Mount Counties, has called for the immediate reinstatement of ten illegally redundant employees of the Mano Oil Palm Plantation.

The Elder Board to the decision over the weekend in Barka Town, Garwula District, Grand Cape Mount County.

The Speaker of the Elder Board Alhaji Tombekai Sombai, said the PAC leadership was in error to replace the ten persons without justifiable reasons, as such they were given twelve days to have them place back to job.

There are 17 Project Affected Communities around the Mano Oil Palm Plantation and it came about when the than Sime Darby Company took half of these community lands and destroyed all of their sacred places, which the the Sime Darby Management and the leadership of the PAC  at the time signed an MOU providing the Affected Communities slots to have some members of those communities job opportunities for the sustainability of their families because of the effect caused by the palm plantations.

Since the illegal replacement of the ten affected persons, we have gone for barely three-months with Grand Cape Mount County District #2 Representative, Mambu Sonii, being the first to intervene, later turned the case over Madina Township Commissioner, Stephen Perry for continuance and he also played his part and also instructed the PAC Leadership headed by Abraham Kromah to reinstate the ten persons, but refused to adhere to the Township Commissioner ruling.

Commissioner Perry than took the matter to the Elder Board of the PAC and also decided to go into the case at which they came down with their ruling Saturday, July 18, 2020 calling for their reinstatement.

However, the chairperson of the PAC, Abraham Kromah, said they are going to study the Elders decision and have it discussed with the PAC Assembly than they will come out with their final decision but assured the elders that they will not make them shame but also pleaded for a little time to adjust themselves.

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