Henry Costa Again! Makes Baseless Allegations Against GNN Publisher, Wrongly Airing False Information

Henry Petro Costa has once again launched an attack on the reputation of one of Liberia’s professional journalists who has been in this kind of business for over 40 years and worked for several international news outlets including the British Broadcasting Corporation African Service as Liberia Correspondent during the brutal Liberian civil war.
After years of reporting for the BBC, Liberian journalist, Joel Cholo Brooks in order to professionally enhance his career and to adequately inform the world, he established his news agency, the Global News Network (GNN) publishers of www.gnnliberia.com and a by-weekly newspaper, the GNN-Liberia.
The reason of putting pen to paper to protect and defend my hard-earned reputation being libeled by Henry Petro Costa who is also noted to be a complete ‘Blackmailer’ by using his platform, the Henry Costa Show’ to defame the character of reputable people including the Publisher of GNN-Liberia, one of the country’s most informative news outlets.
In his Monday, October 24, 2022, podcast, Henry Petrol Costa has once again launched an attack on the reputation of the publisher of GNN-Liberia for his selfish gain of blackmailing innocent people who are locally and internationally known for their professional services over the years.

In his podcast, this man (Henry Petro Costa) who many considered as blackmailer, defamed the character of the publisher of GNN-Liberia, Mr. Joel Cholo Brooks for publishing an opinion poll on his website, www.gnnliberia.com entitled “As Liberia Prepares For 2023 General and Presidential Elections Who Do You Think Must Be The Preferred Choice? This opinion poll was opened to all, and that people who visited and clicked on their preferred choice made their decision.

The management of Global News Network (GNN) has no part to play in the selection of who leads or who is down on its website, but regrettably we understand that Henry Petro Costa is a neophyte, and do not understand the pro and con of conducting an opinion poll online.
This poll posted on this website was done independently, and that it was free to the public, the management of GNN has no control as to who click on it for their preferred choice ahead of the 2023 general and presidential elections. What Costa should understand is that we are not blackmailers, as compared to him who usually create situation on his platform for people to get to him for some ‘kickbacks’.
Despite the management’s quest for money to operate as a business, we are not involved in soliciting cash from people to damage the reputation of the others; we are not also blackmailers, let it be known to all Liberians both at home and those in the diaspora, that we are professional journalists who are doing best to inform and educate the public about happenings around the world.
GNN Liberia as a professional news outlet has been around for the past twenty and more years doing the job to the best with the browsing hits of over twenty-five million, and has been credited by international organizations around the world including the United States Congress for its professional services.
We publicly want to warn Costa and his collaborators to desist from playing on the reputation of credible individuals via his so call Costa Show, the unwanted spreading of his misinformation to the world must come to an end. The over 40 years of our professional journalism will not be destroyed by your cheap propaganda via your slanderous and libelous information.
The next time you take the air wave to tarnish my years’ long reputation as a journalist, be prepared to await serious legal action.
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