Youngsters Raise Thousands For Jebbeh Kiazolu Public School In Liberia
Auchinleck Academy raised more than £2,000 during their fund-raising day on 11th October to complete their aim to support Jebbeh Kiazolu School in Liberia for their third year of the school feeding programme.
Over £4000 has been raised to achieve this! This means that the 301 pupils will be given a nutritious meal at school, and be able to concentrate on their lessons – for most it will be the only meal of the day! Auchinleck Academy and Mary’s Meals are very grateful to the support of the local community.
Over one hundred Auchinleck Academy pupils completed a sponsored walk to Dumfries House, and the remainder of the school supported with a sponsored silence within the school.
Jebbeh Kiazolu Public School in Liberia now has 301 pupils enrolled, made up of 158 boys and 143 girls. There are nine permanent classrooms and the school has a football field where the children can play during their breaks.
The school’s pupils are taught by a total of fourteen qualified teachers. The school’s water source is a hand pump in the school grounds and there are two latrines that are shared equally between boys and girls. Mary’s Meals Liberia encourages all of the schools in its feeding programme to cultivate a school garden. This gives the children hands-on agricultural experience and the food the schools grow can be used as supplementary ingredients for their daily school meals or can be sold and the profits reinvested back into the school itself. Jebbeh Kiazolu Public School has a flourishing garden, tended to by teachers and pupils, growing pineapple.
“I like English, to learn how to speak well. I would like to be a medical doctor to increase the number of female doctors in the country. Mary’s Meals makes me to feel fine. I like rice, it gives me lots of energy and strength.” – Cecelia Johnson, 15 years old, 6th-grade pupil.
“I like science to be able to know more about the earth. I would like to be an accountant to take care of public money. Mary’s Meals food makes me healthy. I like beans, it has protein. If I have nothing to eat, I feel very hungry.” – Momo D. Manoballah, 21 years, 9th-grade pupil.
“We feel great to cook for these kids, they are our children and grandchildren because they are our future. The food is good, it makes them satisfied and happy to learn.” – Palah Johnson, volunteer cook.
Between October 7 and 11, students from Auchinleck and Cumnock Academy joined local campus officers to gain an insight into the work of the police and keeping people safe.
The students from Cumnock and Auchinleck met with other students from East Ayrshire secondary schools for this experience.
They visited Jackton, the force training and recruitment centre, where they learned about public order training and had the opportunity to experience some of the specialised equipment used by public order officers. They also received an input from the Firearms Department and were informed of the recruitment process with some friendly and helpful advice.
The police dogs attended and gave the students an insight into the important role they play in crime detection and recovery of persons and property.
The students visited the Mounted Branch and Road Safety unit where they learned about these specialised police roles and they enjoyed a trip to Hampden football stadium, to learn about how police officers keep the public safe during football matches.
The students follow a disciplined programme throughout the week with drill, uniform inspections, fitness and keeping notebooks up to date.
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