Liberian Owned Contractors Complain Of Strangulation, As Lebanese Contractors Are Reportedly Being Awarded GoL Contracts From Public Works
The Ministry of Public Works has been accused of awarding contracts to mainly Lebanese owned construction companies without going through the Public Procurement and Concessions Commission (PPCC), a situation that has flooded the construction sector with lots of Lebanese construction companies.
According to GNN investigation, despite effort by the Liberian owned construction companies to discourage the Ministry of Public Works of awarding more contracts to foreign owned companies including Lebanese owned, GNN has uncovered another new Lebanese construction company has been established and is awarded several projects by the Ministry.
This new company, the SIDINI Construction Company which, according to our investigation has no work experience and equipment was awarded the Dry Rice Market road to Mount Barclay road, and reportedly given all the roads around the President George Weah’s house, the Fairground in Grand Bassa County, and the Gbarnga Broad Street at the cost of US$4.4 Million.
For the SSF, also another Lebanese company was awarded the amount of US$15 Million for the Ngaba road (1.0Km), the Thinker Village Telecom road (2.2Km) Soul Clinic road (2.5Km), the Rehab Community road (2.5Km), the Morris Farm rad (3.0 Km)It was awarded the lot 2.
With the awarding of all of these contracts to Lebanese owned construction companies, the question being asked by many of those who spoke to the GNN is: Are Liberians engineers not qualified to be given such opportunities as it is done to their Lebanese counterparts in the construction industry? ,
Efforts by our staff to contact the Ministry of Public Works comment on this issue proved unsuccessful, while at the PPCC, our reporter was told that many of the contracts that are given to those concerned have not going through the PPCC.
Our investigation continues.
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