Finding The Culprits of the Murder Should be Primary Than the Arson Attacks – Chambers Asserts

House Speaker, Dr. Bhofal Chambers has said that he wants the culprits of the recent murder of a young student of the Pleebo High School in Maryland County, identified as Mordecial Nyemah to be treated as the primary focus of government security apparatuses under the joint security efforts, currently ongoing in Maryland County, restoring law, order and civility.

Speaker Chambers says whilst he acknowledged the efforts of GOL joint security operations in the County following acts of civil disobedience and anarchy, he believes that the joint security should focus mostly on what triggered the citizens of Maryland County to behave in the manner as such in Pleebo, and Harper Cities.

“May we as a people and government put the acts of vandalization and destruction of properties in the cities of Pleebo and Harper, including the destruction in of my residence, secondary to the prosecution of those involved in the murder of student Nyemah”. – Speaker Chambers asserts.

Speaker Bhofal Chambers who is also the District Representative of Pleebo-Sodoken, Maryland County in the 54th Legislature says he viewed the burning of his premises in Pleebo City, and that of the vandalization and wrecking of the County’s prison and Police Station as a diversionary act to put away or slow the security response, or investigation, and that of the public attention on the main issue of the murder of student Nyemah which has the semblance of ritualism.

The Speaker says he’s yet to fathom any logical reasoning as to why people will destroy the Harper Prison and Police Station, where the primary suspect of the murder act was detained, but blamed the situation on persons he referred to as miscreants and dangerous elements in Maryland County who want to subvert, or delay the much needed justice the majority of Marylanders want.

According to a press statement released over the weekend in Monrovia, Speaker Chambers has called on all Marylanders bent on the perpetration of “Gboyo” describing it as a diabolical cultural practice that people must cease and desist from.

He has at the same time categorically condemned such practice referring to it as a sub-human practice, for it has no place in the standing of today’s Maryland. The Speaker has also assured the public of his commitment to support the government to investigate, prosecute, and apply the law in its fullness to deter future occurrence.

“About the unprovoked arson attack on my premises in Pleebo City, Pleebo-Sodoken District and the vandalization and destruction of government property including, the impeding of normal business activities and the movement of peaceful citizens, we believe strongly that same do not represent the majority of our people and the patriotic citizens of our community, Pleebo-Sodoken District and all of Maryland”. The Speaker intoned.

Meanwhile, Speaker Chambers in his press statement released in Monrovia has lauded and expressed his profound gratitude to the President of the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Dr. George M. Weah for his decisiveness in taking a hands-on approach to restore calm in Maryland County.

He says, “now that the President has imposed curfew in Maryland County, I crave the indulgence of all persons within the territorial boundaries of Maryland County to abide by the requirements set forth for the enforcement of the curfew”.

The Speaker has also acknowledged the concerns of all his well-wishers and Honorable Colleagues of the 54th Legislature and other Officials of Government and all of his friends and family members who called and sent messages of encouragement and consolation following the above mentioned incident(s).

He has cautioned Liberians in and out of the Country to never see violence as a means to draw attention or settle our disagreements even if they are hurt, but should always find recourse through the law as a path to settle differences.

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