In Maryland County: Two county officials and a Journalist quarantined awaiting COVID-19 testing

Superintendent of Maryland County, George A. Prowd

Report reaching this outlet has revealed that two county officials of Maryland County and a journalist have been quarantined following their recent trip to Rivergee County to settle a land dispute between the people of Maryland Count and Rivergee County where the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Varney Sirleaf was part.

According to report, the meeting which was held in Fishtown, Rivergee County brought together both Superintendents of Maryland and Rivergee counties, which was abruptly put to an end after it was disclosed by health authority in the county Philip Nyenuh had been Confirms COVID-19 Positive.

Upon their returned back to their county, the Superintendent of Maryland County, George A. Prowd, Sr., the City Mayor of Pleebo City, and a journalist; Varney Kamah who is also the GNN Correspondent in the county Β are been quarantined are their respective houses awaiting testing for the virus.

Here in Monrovia, it is not known whether the Minister of Internal Affairs. Varney Sirleaf who also part of the Rivergee land dispute is been quarantined.

Detail will follow in our subsequent news release

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