Human Limitations, Imperfections And Divine Grace

*By Paul Ejime

One abiding lesson from the unravelling Covid-19 devastation is that in spite of all the outstanding technological advancement and scientific discoveries, the human species still has an agonizing limited knowledge about nature and the global ecosystems.

In the digital era of e-systems, from e-government to e-medicine, e-agriculture, e-travel, e-defence, e-weapons and social media revolution with its fake new negativity; terrorism, security threats and a very tiny virus, still hold humans to ransom. The Homo sapiens still face an existential threat from corona virus after more than 5.37 million deaths from over 276 million cases reported worldwide as of 22 December 2021, and counting.

Thanks to the quick reactions by scientists, Covid-19 vaccines have been developed in record time, yet the deadly pandemic is not letting up.

Conspiracy theories abound, with a large army of anti-vaxxers and Covid-sceptics, coupled with vaccine hesitancy, vaccine nationalism, hoarding and supply inequality; commercialisation of the pandemic by governments and the pharmaceutical industries, and then those expressing genuine safety concerns.

The bitter truth is that Covid-19 has exposed the incompetence, mismanagement, imperfections and limitations that characterise human endeavours, with politics getting in the way of science in the management of the disease.

Normally, the end of any calendar year is reserved for stock-taking, rest and holidays after 12 months of hard work. It is usually a time for reunion, catching some fun and get together by families and groups; for information and experience sharing; a time to recalibrate, reset and retool ahead of new projects in the New Year.

However, if part of 2019 was disrupted by Covid-19, the last two years (2020 and 2021) have been an unmitigated disaster as far as global economic performance is concerned. All aspects of human life have been impacted adversely by the virus, which has literally quarantined the world and imposed restrictions on life and living.

From all indications, a lasting relief or the exiting of the pangs of the pandemic will take a long while as the virus continues to mutate from Beta to Delta and lately Omicron, with the attendant panicky measures such as “apartheid and discriminatory” travel bans by some governments. More than 200 countries and territories have been blanketed by the impact of the virus.

Governments have been sacked, not a few government officials and millions of workers have lost their jobs amid widespread frustration punctuated by sporadic street protests by the population resisting lockdowns and infringements on individual rights and freedoms.

During this special occasion, I wanted us to reflect on possible solutions and the way forward, after all, there is no problem without a solution.

The world has survived at least two deadly wars, many natural and man-made disasters including the Spanish Flu of 1918 also known as the Great Influenza, which reportedly killed more than 50 million people.

Millions of people are still living with the dreaded HIV AIDS, and there have been sporadic waves of deadly outbreaks such as Ebola, let alone, the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs) and Malaria, the leading cause of deaths and hospitalizations in Africa.

By their character, no country can vaccinate itself out of any pandemic not even the Covid-19. After the regular jabs, boosters are now recommended and who knows the next move?

Humanity will do well to pause and acknowledge its limitations and imperfections and consider a reorientation of value systems; the way and manner of doing things, because it can no longer be business as usual.

A critical diagnosis of human malaise is required for necessary healing and a replacement of the current dysfunctional system with one that emphasizes equality, inclusivity, justice, fairness, contentment, generosity, love, selflessness and care for one another.

A situation whereby a small portion of the world or select group of people control the bulk of world economic resources or impose their will on the majority, is not sustainable.

We are told that it is a global village, yet we are farther apart from one another. The rich are getting richer and the poor, poorer, with wealth and opulence existing side by side with abject poverty and deprivation.

In a world where millions go to bed hungry everyday while some countries throw away surplus unwanted food, the rich should not sleep, when the poor are hungry.

A few nations cannot continue to monopolise Covid-19 vaccine production, ownership and the supply chain, while two-thirds of the World are struggling to access a few hundreds of the same drugs for millions of their unprotected citizens.

It is obvious from creation that if God had wanted fewer people on earth He would have gone for it. But in His infinite wisdom He has allowed humanity the free will to manage its affairs.

Experience has shown that nobody or country is self-sufficient, nor will ever be. We are all inter-dependent and can only achieve more when we work together with love – love that is beyond the exterior, tribe, ethnicity, religion, creed, class, nationality, race, profession, family background, connections or earthly acquisitions, but which sees the inside of one’s heart!

Acknowledging our human limitations, imperfections and the fact that we need each other will be a good basis for seeking and finding a lasting solution to the root causes of anger and hatred, disaffection, unhealthy competition, rivalry, greed and irrational hostilities. The deadly interpersonal, communal and national disputes, inter-state conflicts and civil wars will also be minimized.

When we jettison pride and embrace humility we will realise that all we are and have come from God. It is not by our power or might. Team-spirit unleashes complementarity, self-sacrifice and service to others. That way, we open ourselves to God’s presence, mercy, kindness and guidance, and become worthy recipients of Divine Grace, the highest unmerited favour!

Our lives can never be judged by materialism, acquisitions, position or status, but by the positive impacts on others. It is not about our opinion, but what others think about us; the impressions and legacies we leave behind.

My dear brothers and sisters, with humility let us acknowledge our limitations and imperfections in the spirit of “Ubuntu” or humanity in Zulu – “I am because you are” or “humanity towards others.”

By giving to others, we receive more and by taking care of the needs of others God will surely take care of our own needs! Acting together in genuine partnership, humanity can and will always overcome all adversities!

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year & Happy Holidays, everyone!

*Paul Ejime is a Global Affairs Analyst and an Independent Consultant to International Organizations on Strategic Communications, Media, Peace & Security and Elections.

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