“TB Joshua Synagogue Church Of All Nations Is Our Last Hope”, Rep Muna Pelham-Youngblood Relatives Tell GNN

Rep Muna Pelham-Youngblood has been sick for nearly a year now

After visiting several medical centers abroad including the United States and India, the illness of Montserrado Representative District 9 Muna Pelham-Youngblood seems to be worsening by the day, as doctors at these medical centers cannot easily discover the actual problem that causes the continues illness of this tough talking female lawmaker.

According to GNN sources closed to the family, Representative Youngblood situation which has entered nearly a year now pondered each and every one in the family, including her legislative colleagues, wondering as to what is the actual problem affecting this youthful lawmaker.

“Doctors visited around the world are all saying her condition is indeed confusing, and they can’t find the solution to her help problem, this has compelled us to seek the face of God by going to Nigeria to see Prophetic TB Joshua,” GNN source closed to the family of the Montserrado County lawmaker said.

Speculations of the death news of Representative Youngblood, last month hit the country with many weeping, but later was rubbished, as many of her relatives, friends and admirers craved for the healing hands of God to come to the aide of the Representative.

Many are hoping if the information is truth that Rep Pelham-Youngblood has gone to TB Joshua Synagogue, Church Of All Nations will be relieved of all illnesses through the miracle of God, “ This young lady has suffered for too long, we are praying for her, and asking God to heal her as TB Joshua Synagogue, Church Of All Nations is out last hope,” a female student of the University of Liberia in tears told the GNN.

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