As PUL EC Conducts Election Today, Contending Party Vows To Boycott

Head of the contending party, Octavin Torgar Williams addressing the media during the first day of the PUL election speaking about planned injunction

As hundreds of electorates gathering to go to the poll of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) to elect their officials for another three years term, one of the contending parties for the presidency says it will not turnout for the process today.

Supporters of the contending party of Mr. Octavin Torgar Williams, a presidential candidate who recently ran to the court for voters’ fraud have vowed that they will not take in the process today, questioning as to why the Election Commission Chairman, Jalawah Tonpon should called for election when the matter is before the court,

The supporters of Mr. Williams are also accusing the EC of joining with the incumbent to ignore calls for cleaning the voters roll, “I do believe that if there are unresolved issues abiding, the issue of voting should be secondary,” one of them posted from the #TeamOctavin Campaign on a social media (Face Book) wondered.

“Nothing happening in the union; the court has ruled and no one should bring political tactics here to gain smooth sympathy. In an election, if you notice that you will be defeated you formed all sorts of bottlenecks to strangulate the process. We are not here for this, we are going to election today,” another member of the opposite party poste on the same platform.

“The fact that you’re alleging that one party has “formed all sorts of bottlenecks to strangulate the process” (referring to PUL’s election I’m sure) contradicts your view that, nothing” is happening!

“It’s even sad that you will admit that one party in the union has allegedly “formed bottlenecks” to stall the election, while you insist from the other side that, you’re “going to election today” but claims that “nothing is happening in the union” incoherent and contradictory”. Besides, the only female Presidential aspirant was disqualified by the EC without strong and legally explainable reasons and yet, you claim that “nothing happening in the union”

“The fact that there was a court intervention means there were issues. The question now is, were the parties heard and the issues sufficiently put to rest ?” another member of the Union posting on the Face Book wall argued.

“I think there’s no turning back. The problem, in my opinion started with the people that filed the writ of injunction. Instead of raising the issue with the EC or the highest decision making body of the PUL formally as soon the voter roll was published, they waited until Election Day. It was simple to list all of the illegal names on the roll or flag out all of your qualms even before the Congress. But you didn’t, you attended Congress and took part in the debate without raising any issue of voter roll. Some of you even went as far as violently tearing up the list placed for the public. Now, the court you ran to has order that the process should go on while the complaint is investigated. The process that was halted was voting process. So, if the court says, the process should continue, that means the voting process, not dialogue or voter roll cleaning. What was halted was the voting process. Let’s continue the process and wait on the ruling. If the ruling is in favor of the plaintiffs, then the results will be annulled, but if it goes the other way, then those elected will be our legitimate leaders,” another member of the union also posted on the social media.

“I think there’s no turning back. The problem, in my opinion started with the people that filed the writ of injunction. Instead of raising the issue with the EC or the highest decision making body of the PUL formally as soon the voter roll was published, they waited until election day, it was simple to list all of the illegal names on the roll or flag out all of your qualms even before the Congress. But you didn’t, you attended Congress and took part in the debate without raising any issue of voter roll. Some of you even went as far as violently tearing up the list placed for the public. Now, the court you ran to has order that the process should go on while the complaint is investigated. The process that was halted was voting process. So, if the court says, the process should continue, that means the voting process, not dialogue or voter roll cleaning. What was halted was the voting process. Let’s continue the process and wait on the ruling. If the ruling is in favor of the plaintiffs, then the results will be annulled, but if it goes the other way, then those elected will be our legitimate leaders.

“Those who are calling for a dialogue, while the case is in court is late, they should have done that earlier; let’s go by the court order. And that is to continue the process pending the case”.

With all of these arguments and counter arguments, some dozens have queued out this morning to vote for their leaders for the next three years, noting that the continued delay of the process will not help the Liberian community.

However, supporters of Mr. Williams who have resolved to stay away from the process today said they have a strong case, adding that they will file strong returns to the court, “But you can’t go to vote with that rotten voters roll, let us clean it up; this is the right thing to do morally,” a member of the PUL who said he is confused of the process told the GNN.

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