Will Morlu, Gray Resign? As Rep. Thomas Fallah Concedes Defeat, Congratulates Senator Dillon

Several vows were made publicly by two executives of the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC), the National Chairman of the CDC, Mulbah Morlu and a member of the legislature, Representative Moses Acarous Gray of District # 8 promising that if Senator Abraham Darius Dillon wins they will publicly resign their respective positions have turned the other way around.
The boastful promises made to the Liberian people and partisans of the ruling party have allegedly been dumped in the dustbin, putting people under the impression that they are now ready to preach messages of reconciliation and peace, why haven’t they not resigning their respective positions in the party has they publicly and boastfully declared to the Liberian people during the early days of the electoral process.
However, the man who they claimed would have won the election with ease, Representative Thomas Fallah of Montserrado County electoral district # 5 has finally spoken, congratulating hos rival, Senator Abraham Darius Dillon for his reelection in the just ended midterm senatorial bid.
Representative Fallah who has been described as a true nationalist in his Face Book page said, “I just spoke with Senator Darius Dillon and congratulated him for his victory in the just-ended Senatorial election in Montserrado County. I wished him well and reminded him that elections are over and now it’s time to work for our people because we have one country to fight for and one peace to protect. Liberia is a thriving democracy in Africa and we must all continue to work to ensure a sane and peaceful environment under the leadership of our great President.
This is not the result we wanted but the Liberian people have spoken and we must respect them.
My heart goes out to all our partisans who worked and campaigned tirelessly throughout Montserrado County. You are the backbone of the CDC and without you we are nothing. I know you are heartbroken by this result but I encourage you to use this moment to self-reflect. Use your anger not to tear down each other but to strengthen our party as we move to 2023. We must never forsake our party.
To His Excellency, the illustrious Standard Bearer and President of the Republic of Liberia, Dr. George Manneh Weah, thank you. Thank you for your support to our candidacy and our mighty Coalition. Mr. President, you are a beacon of peace and democracy and because of this, great things will continue to happen under your leadership.
A mighty big appreciation to the leadership of the Coalition for Democratic Change and leaders at various levels across our party. You stood with us throughout this difficult process and I am grateful. Let me also thank all my professional colleagues and friends who supported me so well.
And finally to my own campaign team. You guys will remain my heroes and heroines. I am indebted to you forever.
Let me thank all Liberians who went to the polls to make these elections a success. Today is a great day for our democracy. The midterm elections are over and the country is quite peaceful.
We respect the views and the wishes of our people as we continue to work to improve their lives. We will continue our engagements with the communities and deliver on our campaign promises.
To the Liberian people again we say thank you, you are the actual winners.
Long live the Mighty Coalition for Democratic Change and may God continue to bless our nation and people! I thank you”, Representative Fallah in his Face Book page noted.
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