US military veterans captured in Ukraine seen for first time in Russian TV footage
By Lawrence Richard | Fox News

Fox News senior strategic analyst Gen. Jack Keane weighs in on the developing story of missing Americans, argues the war in Ukraine is ‘at a tipping point.’
Two U.S. military veterans who went missing in Ukraine last week were shown on a Russian news broadcast telling their loved ones Russian separatists had captured them.
The footage on the Russian news outlet RT’s broadcast Friday was the first time the missing men, Alex Drueke and Andy Huynh, both from Alabama, were seen since they went missing on June 9.
“Mom, I just want to let you know that I’m alive and I hope to be back home as soon as I can be,” Drueke said in the footage.
During the video, he is seen providing his mother with a quick wink and telling her to take care of his dog. “So, love Diesel for me. Love you,” he added.
Dianna Shaw, Drueke’s aunt, said the video recording included a secret word and gesture they had discussed during his previous tours in Iraq, verifying his identity and letting her know he was OK.
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