Solway Mining Introduces New Investment Strategy, As Locals In Affected Areas Are Made Part And Parcel

Elders and citizens of Solway Mining affected areas

The Solway Mining Incorporated currently operating in Nimba County has introduced a new investment strategy aimed at empowering local communities by making them to be part of parcel of the company, by giving the opportunities to have saying in the company, a situation that has been lauded by beneficiaries.

Joseph Yealu Yormie, Paramount Chief, Zor Chiefdom

This new investment strategy by the company has been overwhelmed by the residents of several communities, who are so amazed by expressing their support to the company’s operations in their respective communities, vowing that they will at all cost land their unflinching support towards the lifetime operations of the company.

At a special colorful recognition program to appreciate the management team headed by Mr.  Boima Alford Morgan, the Chief Executive Officer of the company on Saturday, July 2, 2022, the citizens in their dozens comprised of local county authorities including Nimba County District # 3, Joseph N. Somabi, Chiefs, elders, women and youth groups, commissioners, the citizens used the special occasion to expressed thanks and heartfelt commendation to the management of Solway Mining Incorporated for its investment initiative in the county.

Group photo with Solway Mining CEO

The citizens from the 32 communities where the company is operating expressed thanks to Solway for its many generosities by providing free assert to them with increased jobs opportunities for citizens of the affected communities, while at the same time offering several scholarships to students in the county to attend several educational institutions including the University of Liberia, the Nimba County University, Cuttington University, and other high schools for their sound educational journey.

Rep Joseph N. Somwabi of Nimba County District # 3

Accompanying the Chief Executive Officer of the company was Mr. Theo Dennis; Technical Manager of the company, who all were excited for the holding of this colorful program which drew a cross section of the citizenry in the operating area of the company.

Mr. Theo Dennis; Technical Manager, Solway Mining Incorporated

Making remarks, several individuals including the Chairman of the Joint Forest Management Body (JFMB), Saye Thomson speaking to reporters in an exclusive interview expressed thanks to the management Solway Mining for its farsightedness in making the communities to form part of the company’s investment initiative.

Issues highlighted during the colorful program which highlighted the launch of the community two percent and the Biodiversity Conservation Program (BCP) Agriculture and Tailoring Program.

Trainers of the Vocation School in tailoring

Giving the overview of the projects was an official, of Solway Mining Incorporated, Mr. Bill Murphy who eloquently spoke on the success story on the company of the 13 primary communities, said the Solway has taken the initiative to provide a strategy where the people in these affected communities are equitably receive transparently the 2% allocated to the communities by the company, noting, “The 2% talked about will be used by the residents and not an individuals as being speculated in the public”, Murphy told the gathering at the program.

Mr. Bill Murphy, official of Solway giving the overview of the company

Making remarks of appraisal and commendations at the program, several individuals including local authorities and  Nimba County District # 3 Representative, Sumwabi poured praising on Solway for its support towards the economic growth of the county the affected areas, and further urged citizens of the affected communities to be ambassadors of the company.

Nimba County District # 3 Representative and three officials of Solway including its CEO at the program

Speaking at the program, Paramount Chief of Zor Chiefdom, Joseph Y. Yormie who expressed thanks to the management of Solway, for coming to the refuge of the affected communities, noting that they are overwhelmed for the level support being provided by the company, by providing scholarships and jobs to the jobless young people, but cautioned the young people of the areas to be law abiding citizens.

For her part, the  Ma Annie Wehyee head of one of the communities also spoke highly of the level of support given the communities by the company despite the slow pace of the MDA to be approved by the Liberian government, noting that the people of Nimba County are seriously looking forward of this, “We are calling on the government to please see reason for the approval of Solway Mining MDA.

Saye Thompson, Chairman, Joint Committee Forest Body

Speaking also at the program, the Chairman of the Joint Committee Forest  Management Body, Saye Thompson expressed thanks and appreciation to the management team of Solway for its farsightedness in bringing relief to the communities from where it is being operated, and further urged the Liberian government to see reason in signing the MDA in order for the company to do more for those communities from where it is being operated

For his part, the Chief Executive Officer of Solway Mining Incorporated, Mr. Boima Alford Morgan who could not withhold his impression of the citizens’ unwavering support towards his company, expressed thanks to the affected communities’ residents including their lawmaker, elders and youth groups for their support stressing, “This company is for all of us, we as Liberians will do all in promoting President Weah’s thoughts, that Liberians will not be spectators in their own country. We are here to provide jobless Liberians with jobs; jobs creation for Liberians is our concern”, Mr. Morgan assured residents of Nimba County, especially locals of the affected areas.

According to GNN-Liberia investigation, Solway Mining  management team and workforce are composed of 98% professional Liberians.

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