PIH conducts Partnership Coordination Review meeting with Empower and Forteit (E&F) project Stakeholders

From E. Varney Kamah | GNN Correspondent | Maryland County |

Participants at the program

The Partners in Health Liberia (PIH) recently conducted a Partnership Coordination meeting with Empower and Forteit (E & F) project stakeholders in Harper City, Maryland County, according to our Correspondent who formed part of the meeting.

Our Correspondent said during the introduction of the program, the Executive  Director of Partners in Health Liberia, Mrs. Viola Karanja gave a brief history of the program, noting that since it started in 2018, the program has been catering to girls who have dropped as a result of their pregnancies.

Explaining further, Mrs. Karanja said, since the program was introduced in the County, the level of adolescents’ girls dropping out of School has been minimized. Also presenting the Project activities was during the program was one of the Facilitators, Madam Fatima Guindo who during her Presentation outlined the goals and objectives and added that the program is responsible for the number of adolescent girls in School.

She further stressed that due to the enforcement of the program the level of adolescent girls in school has dropped by twelve percent over the time and with the up guardianship of the project, noting that “Our expectation is to achieve more in Maryland County,” Mrs. Karanja told the participants.

Explaining further on the goals and objectives of the program madam Karanja said the project is not limited to seeing adolescent girls in School but to remain and stay in School through the feature  planing    She also stated that part of the project is to construct confidential areas at health facilities, improving health care and the renovation of School facilities where the adolescent girls are.

Gracing the meeting was Maryland county chief medical Officer Doctor Methodius George who commended the Partners in Health Liberia Family and said the Empower and Forteit (E&F) program had curtailed the tanagers pregnancy in the County and decreased adult’s giving birth rate. At the same time use the occasion called on parents, Sponsors, Love ones, Men and etc.. to encourage their partners, or Children to take the program very serious in taking the feature planning or Family planning at either of those health facilities in the county.

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