‘Living In Liberia’ Sister Terese Wetta Explains – On Mission To Reconnect With Liberia

SISTER TERESE WETTA plans to start her year long mission in Liberia centered on education and healing for the people of Liberia. Courtesy photo, University Relations

(The Vantage) – Sister Terese Wetta plans to start her yearlong mission in Liberia centered on education and healing for the people of Liberia. Courtesy photo, University Relations

Sister Terese Wetta, one of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ, will be boarding a plane to Dallas today, headed to Amsterdam and then to Monrovia, the capital of Liberia.

From there she will end up in the town of Grand Cess, the first place the ASC sisters went in Liberia in 1971. She will remain in Grand Cess for a year.

Wetta is on a mission that she says has been on her heart for 17 years. She plans to re-establish the ASC presence in Liberia.

“Around 2001, I was praying and felt this call to go to Liberia because I wanted more than the blood of our sisters there, I wanted the people to know we still wanted to be there,” Wetta said.

October marked the 25th anniversary of the death of the Martyrs of Charity, the five ASC sisters who were killed while working with the people of Liberia. The five sisters left behind a legacy including a school and a health care center.

In May, Wetta spent 12 days in Liberia with a group commemorating the 25th anniversary of the ASC sisters. The trip solidified her desire to re-establish an ASC presence, she said.

Since 2001, Wetta said, life pulled her a few different directions that kept her from Liberia.  Soon after her initial desire to go surfaced, the war in Liberia intensified. Wetta also spent time filling a leadership position with her order and on the campaign for the Bishop Gerber Science Center.

After all that was complete she still wanted to go to Liberia.

“The call was still with me, and my health is good. Why not?” Wetta said.

After Wetta gets to Liberia and gets settled she plans to get to work.

“We are going to meet with the people and the pastor and see what they think are the greatest needs and decide how we could work together.”

Wetta said she thought some initial possibilities could include religious education and healing after the war and Ebola crisis.

“There could also be something we haven’t even thought about that they want,” Wetta said.

Wetta expressed excitement about being within walking distance of the beach, but she also knows life will present new challenges in Liberia. She said this is the first time she will be living with limited access to electricity. Wetta said she is ready for the challenges.

“The Adorers have this very strong reliance on the providence of God and that’s what I’m trusting,”  Wetta said. “Even though I’m ready to do this, I know I’m going to miss Newman. I’m going to miss faculty, staff and students. I’ll keep Newman in my prayers every day.”

Wetta said after a year she plans to return to the United States with the hopes of returning to Liberia after a break.

This story first appeared in the February 8, 2018 issue of The Vantage.

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