LIMANY’s President, Solomane Kromah Sirleaf Graduates With Honor

President Solomane Kromah Sirleaf of the Liberian Mandingo Association of New York (LIMANY) graduated Magna Cum Laude with master’s degree from the New York University’s school of Urban Studies and Informatics. Throughout President Sirleaf studies at NYU, he managed to demonstrate impressive balance between school, work, and family. The master program prepares students to demonstrate vigorous understanding of urban policy, urban management, and technology; that’s by helping cities optimize decision making processes, create smart urban infrastructures, address urban challenges such as crime, waste management, transportation, public health, and help inspire urban citizens to improve their quality of life through innovative city governance.

President Sirleaf work on numerous projects during his studies that were tailor on urban development using advance machine learning and innovative city governance tools. Some of these notable projects’ president Sirleaf and his classmates worked on were: A New Source of Energy for African Countries through Waste Management and Airport Passengers Show-up Profile & Operations. President Sirleaf and team was able to develop a system that track passenger profile at airport terminal and helps find bottleneck in airport operations. The team used the New Jersey International Airport to test their analysis and tool. Through their findings, they were able to construct passengers show up profile that enable the airport operations team better management queue, staff deployment, and how to implement major constructions at the airport. President Sirleaf believes that such project will be very helpful to many airports around the world that are struggling with airport management.

For the source of energy through waste management project, president Sirleaf and team did in-depth research that shows the energy potential of African countries through waste management. Their research emphasizes the need for African countries to strengthen their waste management sector to ease Africa’s electricity problem. By 2025, the waste generation in Africa is predicted to reach 244 million tons per year; in comparison to waste generated in 2012, that will be a 97% increased. President Sirleaf and team believe that most African countries have the right climate conditions, such as high rainfall and high temperatures, for rapid decomposition of these potential generated waste. When waste decomposed, they generate landfilled gas that can be capture and converted to energy. However, the research points out the lack of technical skills for most African countries and the lack of proper policies and legislative instruments for various African governments shift towards waste to energy production. President Sirleaf believes that the research carried on by his team can be use in most African countries, especially his home country, Liberia, to overcome waste management and energy production through waste.

Due the impressive nature of President Sirleaf being able to balance multiple tasks at the same time: President Sirleaf also serve as a Board of Trustee for the oldest private school (Alexander Robertson, 1789) in New York State. President Sirleaf being a person who cares about education and youth development helped developed a math curriculum for the school, which has been a major steppingstone for the school children. Because of the math program success, it is now being taught in China for children that struggle with math.

President Sirleaf migrated to the United States in 2009 with the hope of achieving better life for his family and country. With his graduation from one of top 16th school in the world, he believes that nothing is impossible as long you remain consistent and true to your cause. The LIMANY family says a mighty congratulations to President Solomane Kromah Sirleaf and family.

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