LIBERIA: Youth and Sport Ministry Hails ArcelorMittal’s Record 270K County Meet Sponsorship

Deputy Youth and Sports Minister, G. Andy Quamie

This Saturday, the ArcelorMittal sponsored National County Sports Meet moves to Monrovia with four games at the Samuel Kanyon Doe Sports Complex.

As authorities of the Ministry of Youths and Sports continue to raise awareness and prepare for the final eight matches, one company stands out for its contribution to this years’ tournament.

It is ArcelorMittal Liberia (AML) that the Ministry repeatedly rains praise on for the global steel giant’s mega sponsorship donation to government and its people.

In November 2022, AML was announced the ‘Pound Headline Sponsor” of the National County Sports Meet for committing 275,000 (two hundred seventy-five thousand) for the running of the tournament.

So far, this is the highest sponsorship contribution since the National County Sports Meet was established in 1956.

ArcelorMittal Liberia’s Chief Executive officer Jozephus Coenen

Speaking at a live radio show on OK FM in Monrovia Thursday, Deputy Minister for Sports -G Andy Quamie hailed ArcelorMittal’s kind gesture and said the donation has made the Ministry to run the games smoothly.

Minister Quamie: “We want to appreciate ArcelorMittal-Liberia who besides support to each county provided additional funding to the three affected counties, Nimba, Bong and Grand Bassa in preparing their teams for this year county Sports Meet.

“The support is the highest ever and is enabling us to run the tournament accordingly”

Minister Quamie is meanwhile asking citizens turn out in support their teams, comparing the county excitement to the FIFA World Cup.

The theme of this year’s National County Meet, “Liberia: a nation celebrating 200 years of existence – maintaining the peace through women’s sports participation” AML said aligns with its long history of support and commitment to activities that promote peace and unity, national reconciliation, and development.

As spelled out in the sponsorship agreement, of the USD $ 275, 000, $250,000 constitutes the sponsorship fee while USD $25,000 goes as additional support to the three counties of ArcelorMittal’s operations (Nimba, Bong, and Grand Bassa) for the preparation of their teams.

Nimba County will receive an amount of Ten Thousand United States Dollars, and Grand Bassa and Bong Counties, Seven Thousand Five Hundred United States Dollars each.

ArcelorMittal Liberia’s Chief Executive officer Jozephus Coenen said “We celebrate our contributions to the National County Sports Meet and can confidently say, we too are ‘County Meet’ Champions through the pride brought by Grand Bassa, Bong, and Nimba Counties when they became champions”.

As we announced the sponsorship in Monrovia in November 2022, CEO Coenen said he was honored by the partnership with the Government and people of Liberia and was proud of the contributions “we have made and its positive impact on Liberia’s economic development”.

He reminded Liberians that in 2021, ArcelorMittal and the Government signed a landmark amendment to the company’s Mineral Development Agreement which paved the way for the ongoing expansion of our mining and logistics operations in Liberia.

“With the MDA amendment coming into effect, ArcelorMittal Liberia will significantly ramp up the production of premium iron ore, generating significant new jobs and wider economic benefits for Liberia”.

Said Coenen: this is exciting news, not just for our workforce, but for all Liberians and the country. The expansion project encompasses processing, rail, and port facilities and is one of the largest mining projects in West Africa with a capital investment of over a billion United States Dollars”.

AML said wit its phase two expansion project, nearly 3000 jobs are being created now during the construction phase, with Liberians filling most of these roles.

We have come a long way as a company and as the Government, and we are proud of our partners with Liberia.

“We are proud of the progress accomplished together with the Government and are confident that much more can be achieved. ArcelorMittal is here for the long haul” the CEO said to an audience of top Liberian officials.

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