LIBERIA: Students Complain Of Sitting On Floor In Tubmanburg Due To Chairs Shortage

Flashback: Due to lack of chairs students are sitting on the floor to learn

TUBMANBURG,  (LINA,) – Students attending the Henry Q. Taylor Junior high School in Tubmanburg, Bomi County, the second largest government junior high school in the county, have complained of sitting on the floor due to lack of chairs.

In an interview with the Liberia News Agency recently during the closing program for academic year 2018/19, the students said chairs shortage has been a major challenge over the past three years, with nothing done by the past government to address the situation.

According to the students, the school’s administration wrote many letters to the former County Education Officer, Mr. J. Seo Davies, but nothing was done to address the issue.

They described their learning environment as appalling, sitting on the floor in their bid to acquire education.

“Sitting on the floor has made our parents to buy many sets of uniforms every semester, despite the current hardship in the country,” said the students.

Also speaking to LINA, Principal Joel Norreson, expressed regrets about students sitting on the floor just to learn, but said he informed the former and current County Education Officers about the lack of chairs.

Principal Norreson added that since three years ago the Ministry of Education has not supplied the school chairs, noting that the small quantity of chairs that were at the school had been stolen by criminals and community residents.

When contacted, Bomi County Education Officer, Madam Eveline Twan, said she is aware of the current situation at the school, and promised to work with the Ministry of Education to provide chairs for the school.

“I have told the Ministry of Education and they assured me of resolving the issue of chairs shortage at all public schools in the country,” she disclosed.

She told LINA correspondent that the issues facing education sector will be addressed one at a time.

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