LIBERIA: President Weah Invites Legislature To Retreat On Nat’l Issues

L/R: House Speaker Chambers, President Weand and Senate Pro-Temporal Chie

President George Manneh Weah has written the National Legislature inviting its members to a two-day retreat aimed at discussing issues of national concerns.

In his communication to both Houses of the Legislature, the Liberian leader indicated that the retreat is slated for Friday and Saturday (August 16 &17 2019) at the Farmington Hotel in Margibi County.

“Please accept my esteemed appreciation for the ties nd bonds of cooperation that exist between the Executive Mansion and the Legislature,” the communication is quoted as saying.

Following a brief discussion, House Speaker Bhofal Chambers said, the committee on Executive will work with the Executive Branch of government to know the full details of the retreat and update plenary on Thursday.

At the same time, Speaker Chambers has set-up a six-man specialized committee to investigate and invite all persons of interest, including former President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, to know the status of the renovation of the Executive Mansion and report back to plenary in one week.

Speaker Chambers named Grand Gedeh County Representative George Bolay as chairman: Jimmy Smith of Montserrado County as co-chairman, among others, stating that he trusts the committee and believes in their work and issure they will deliver in the soonest possible time.

Recently, Grand Bassa County District #4 representative Vicent Willie, requested plenary to setup a specialized committee to investigate budgetary allocations for the renovation of the Executive Mansion and to know the status of the building.

On July 26, 2006, the fourth floor of the Executive Mansion was gutted by fire while the country was celebrating its Independence Day.

The Grand Bassa County lawmaker said, since the unfortunate incident the legislature has been allocating money for the purpose of the renovation process, but no tangible result has been made apparently.


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