Liberia Has Miserably Failed Its “Millennium Challenge Corporation” Scorecard Again

Source: African Star Online

Liberia’s Finance Minister, Samuel D. Tweah

Liberians are murmuring over report that that their country has once again failed the Millennium Challenge Corporation scorecard due to its dismal performance record under the U.S. Government’s Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) program continues under the Weah Administration without abatement.

The MCC Scorecard consolidates an individual country’s scores for each of the policy indicators that the program uses to determine eligibility for assistance program.

According to the just released 2021scorecard for Liberia under the program, African Star can report that out of 20 indicators, Liberia passed only 9 in the areas of Control of Corruption and Democratic Rights. Indicators for Economic Freedom, Inflation, Regulatory Quality and Trade Policy failed.

Also failing were Land Rights and Access, Primary Education Expenditures, Natural Resource Protection. Immunization Rates, Girls Primary Education Completion Rate and Child Health.

The indicators which are sourced from World Bank data, a ‘country is considered to “pass” the scorecard if it (i) “passes” at least 10 of the 20 indicators; (ii) “passes” the Control of Corruption indicator; and, (iii) “passes” either the Civil Liberties or Political Rights Indicator.’

The West African country did not meet these thresh holds for passing.

According to the MCC, “The Board also takes into consideration whether a country performs substantially worse in any category (Ruling Justly, Investing in People, or Economic Freedom0 than does on the overall scorecard…”

Liberia was kicked off the program over its poor scorecard performance which has resulted the loss of millions of dollars in aid assistance which could have benefitted the population of nearly 5 million.

Liberia’s 2021 MCC Scorecard

In September, a Liberian Government delegation recently visited the U.S. to find ways to get recertified for participation in coveted U.S. Government aid program designed to reduce poverty and spur national growth.

Policy makers and U.S. Senators Ted Cruz of Texas and Lindsay Graham of Georgia voiced public support for Liberia’s bid to re-enter in the MCC program but privately urged the delegation to return home and work on improving its eligibility.

Meantime, critics of the Liberian Government are questioning the competency and commitment of officials who are responsible for ensuring that required indicators for eligibility are passed. Most Government officials appointed since the inauguration of the Weah Administration have remained in place with no consequence for their poor performances over the years.

The country is experiencing chronic economic headwinds, high unemployment and calls for political reforms to spur national growth.

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