Visually Impaired Family In Lofa County Cry For Help, Say Life Has Become Unbearable For Them

By: Tokpa Tarnue-

Life Has Become Unbearable for Us; Visually Impaired Mother Including Her Two Visually Impaired Children Cry for Help

Visually Impaired Mother Including Her Two Visually Impaired Children Cry for Help

A 60 year old visually impaired mother in Voinjama including her 40 years old daughter Yassa Kpakolo and her 26 years old son Zayzay Kollie who are also visually impaired has described life as very unbearable.

We are living in total hell

Madam Krubo Korlu in an interview with our upper Lofa county correspondent disclosed that her situation started during the heat of the Ebola virus crisis in the Country.

The 60 years old mother of five children in a sad mood narrated how her husband walked away from the relationship after she went blind without any concern for her neither the children.

Madam Korlu said, there have been several attempts by doctors to treat her but none of those interventions has materialized.

She said living as a blind person and seeing her two older children whom she had hoped on going completely blind is like living in hell as a single mother.

According to the 60 years old mother, she and her two children are currently shearing a single room due to the lack of support and that getting daily meal including health care remains a major challenge for she and her children.

For her part, the 40 years old daughter to the woman narrated that her blindness started somewhere in Bong County.

According to 40 years old Yassa Kpakolo, she currently has six living children but quickly disclosed that the father of her children also walked out of the relationship due to her health condition.

She said all of the children are currently out of school due to the lack of support and her inability to carter for them as a single mother.

The situation is not just with the 60 years old mother and her 40 years old daughter but also her last born who is now 26 years old that was forced to drop from school in 2017 after going blind as well.

Zayzay Kollie said his major worry at the moment is to support his two children in school and their well-being.

According to him, the mother of his two children also turned her back to the relationship due to what he called pressure from her family members as a result of his blindness.

The 60 years old mother and her children are calling on government, non-governmental organizations and philanthropists to come to their aid.

They named housing, food, health care and educational support for their children as some of the major areas of challenged for them as a family.

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