In Observance of World Orphans Day, LNCRF calls for GOL supports

By Emmanuel Mafelah|

As we celebrate and observe the World Orphans Day in Liberia, the Liberian National Children’s Representative Forum says the Liberian Government and partners needs to provide basic services for Orphans, monitor orphanages in Liberia and ensure they have access to good health care and quality education.

“No child should be left over in Liberia; as such everyone must take children issue serious and stop the huge violation of children rights in Liberia”,

The Day was celebrated Monday November 12, 2018 across the County.

World Orphans Day was created by The Stars Foundation to raise awareness about the number of children in this world who lack something most of us take for granted: parents. The Stars Foundation’s wish was for this day to motivate people to do anything they can to help.

According to History, the first people to officially care for orphans were the Romans, who opened the first orphanage home around 400 AD. Long before them, however, both Jewish and Athenian law required that orphans be supported until age 18.

Speaker Jutomue Doetein said as per their function to advocates, lobby and represent children in Liberia; they do appreciate all citizens for maintaining the peace which we continue to enjoy despite the different issues every day in our country.

Speaker Doetein further said the Liberian National Children’s Representative Forum visited more than 1 thousand orphans in Montserrado and Margibi Counties in line with the celebration.

According to him they were teaching them the importance of the World Orphans Day, at the same time using the motivating  them, creating awareness on the 2011 children’s Law of Liberia, and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child.

Jutomue Doetein said he believed orphans haven been given some level of attention in Liberia, orphans have been abandoned and separated from other children, adding that it is not in the best interest of children, it undermines their growth and development.

He also stated that a statistic from Orphan Concern-Liberia shows there are over 100,000 orphans in Liberia and many of them have been abandoned.

The Liberian National Children’s Representative Forum Speaker said he strongly believe that national government is using the name orphanage home to get funding which is not helping the children but for personal gain, noting that thing must done in order to stop the allege behaviors of the government.

He appealed to National Government, NGOs, INGOs, and the world to support orphans maintaining that they are keen to developments of a nation, especially Liberia.

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