Guinea: Group calls for protest against ruling junta on June 23

By Rédaction Africanews

A collective that has led the protest in Guinea against former President Alpha Conde called Friday for demonstrations on June 23, overriding a ban imposed by the junta that took power by force in 2021.

The National Front for the Defense of the Constitution (FNDC) denounced in a statement “the junta’s manifest desire to remain in power forever,” its “refusal” of dialogue and its “unilateral management” of affairs.

It called for a “peaceful citizen demonstration” on June 23 in the Conakry area to demand “a reasonable and consensual deadline” other than the 36 months set by the junta to return power to civilians. It called for dialogue, respect for human rights, and trials of those responsible for past political violence.

This call is in direct opposition to the May 13 ban on all demonstrations that the junta says would jeopardize the “proper execution of activities” during the three years before a civilian return to power.

The ban drew protests from parties, civil society and human rights activists.

In a letter to the government published on social networks, Human Rights Watch (HRW), Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture (ACAT-France) and Agir ensemble pour les droits humains (AEDH) urged the authorities to restore the right to demonstrate “without delay.

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