Grand Kru Rep Jonathan Fonato Koffa Says He Will Not Contest Midterm Senatorial Election
BY: Emmanuel S. Koffa/ GNN Correspondent |Grand Kru County|

Grand Kru County Electoral District # 2 Representative, Jonathan Fonati Koffa has officially announced that he will not contest the ensuring midterm Senatorial Elections in December of this year.
The erudite Liberia’s legal practitioner made the disclosure this week amid rumor that he was making all preparations to join others who are bidding for the County’s senatorial seat.
According to the Grand Kru electoral District number two lawmaker, he was given tenure of 6 years by his constituent and in so doing he must perform that task, and will not betray that confidence that was reposed in him by his people.
Honorable Koffa speaking the GNN in Grand Kru County, further expressed commitment to ably achieving those numerous plans he made for his district, and noted that quitting his current legislative position will be a complete disservice to his Constituent.
Meanwhile the Grand Kru electoral district #2 representative also disclosed that as executive member of the Coalition for Democratic Change he will support any candidate that will contest on the ticket of the CDC for the Midterm Senatorial election.
According to the massage of Grand Kru district # 2 representative, for months now, the political discourse of Grand Kru County has been inundated with rumors that he, J. Fonati Koffa is planning on contest the Grand Kru midterm Senatorial electoral.
But the Grand Kru district #2 Lawmaker has clear the air, naming fiscal constrains faced by the current government and his desired to continue delivering on the mandate given by his constituent [District #2] as reasons why he cannot contest the midterm senatorial election.
In his statement, Hon. Koffa said, following careful thought and taking into consideration the aforementioned, he has decided not to venture into the contest.
” I have decided not to participate in the special elections. I was elected for six years by the people of district number two and there must be an extraordinary case that presents itself for me to leave that mandate to pursue other political objectives.”
The Grand Kru County district number two preventative continued that, there is no compelling reason to do so at this time.
More besides, the fiscal constraints nationally which have greatly affected the development efforts in the County means we must focus all of our financial capacity towards our infrastructure and humanitarian effort in Grand Kru electoral district number two.
To divert valuable resources towards a campaign now would be costly to the district and the returns will be marginally selfish.
The pace of our development efforts is not to our satisfaction and we cannot betray the people of Grand Kru electoral district #2 by mounting a protracted political campaign of further slow those efforts down, and they deserve 100% of our attention. Ours is a legacy building a political career, not a transient one. Therefore, we must complete the job for which we have been elected, Cllr. Koffa said.
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