Former Liberian President   Extols Liberia College’s Dean for New Book

A new book titled: “The Effect of Diplomacy, with the subtitle “Liberia, U.S., China’s Triangular Relations”, authored by Prof. Dr. Josephus M. Gray, Dean of Liberia College (College of Social Sciences and Humanities), University of Liberia has earned praises from Africa’s first elected female president and former President of Liberia, Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf.  The book details include 680 pages with ISBN-10: 1665522550, ISBN-13: 978-1665522557 and weight: 2.36 pounds with the dimensions of 5.98 x 1.44 x 9.02 inches. The publication contains 580-page, 3,123 paragraphs, 202,916 words and 2,470,268 characters both single and double spacing. The book further contains 9,750 punctuation marks, 855 in-text citations, and 16,265 lines and 590 references.

In an email addressed to Dr. Gray dated Saturday, October 16, 2021, Former President Johnson-Sirleaf said: Thank you for your letter of August 15th, 2021, and the kind sentiments expressed therein. I commend you on the determination you showed in achieving an education at the highest level and on the book you have written to the acclaim of many as you have cited.  The email continued: Similarly, I congratulate you for remaining at home and assuming the position of Dean of the Liberian College at the University of Liberia.

The UL Professor instructive book transmitted to the official office of the Former Liberian President was accompanied with an official letter.  In the communication, Dr. Gray thanked Mrs. Johnson-Sirleaf for his assignment at the Liberian Embassy in Paris and for the financial assistance towards the fees and tuition of his Ph.D. studies.

The letter continued: thank you for affording me an opportunity to meaningfully contribute my services  in the supreme interest of the People of Liberia, State and Government in various capacities including Assistant Foreign Minister for Public Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Political Counsellor, Embassy of the Republic of Liberia in Paris, Republic of France; Minister Counselor and Charge D’Affairs, Liberia’s Permanent Mission to the Swiss Federation and United Nations and other International Organizations in Geneva, Switzerland, and Policy Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liberia.

Let me further express my appreciation for the numerous supports given me and others to pursue higher education in various disciplines while serving various dedicated positions in your former administration. I have learnt a whole lot, gained many experiences and earned a Ph.D. in International Relations and Foreign Policy Studies which has become my greatest single compliment.

Besides former President Johnson Sirleaf, Honorable James Berney, Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Senator of Maryland County has commended Dr. Gray for his recent new book publication, and thanked him for sharing new knowledge through their latest book: “The Effect of Diplomacy- Liberia, U.S. and China’s Triangular Relations.

Recently, United States Ambassador to the Republic of Liberia, His Excellency Mr. Michael A. McCarthy has praised the Dean of Liberia College for the publication of his new book and thanks Dr. Gray for thinking of the U.S. Embassy.

A copy each of Dr. Gray new book has been donated to the followings personalities including the Office of the President of Liberia, His Excellency Dr. George M. Weah; Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, former President of Liberia; Prof. Dr. Julius J. S. Nelson, Jr, President of the University of Liberia; His Excellency Mr. Michael A. McCarthy, American Ambassador to Liberia; Mrs. Medina Wesseh, Secretary-General of Mano River Union(MRU), His Excellency Mr. Ren Yisheng, Chinese Ambassador to Liberia and Mrs. Jewel Howard-Taylor, Vice President of Liberia.

Other personalities and higher institution include Prof. Ansu Sonii, Minister of Education; Senator James Berney, Chairman, Senate Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Senator of Maryland County, His Excellency Mr. Dee-Maxwell SaahKemaya, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Fourab Bay College(University of Sierra Leone)  in Freetown. The latest publication has been peer reviewed and uniquely passed quality test, and now stand as a “milestone”, and “result-oriented”, based on proven scholarly writings and a profound studied.

The book, published by American Tech Giant-Amazon is rated 91 among 350,000 books published this year around the world. It has been peer reviewed and uniquely passed international book publishing companies’ quality test andis widely on sale in 161 countries in bookstores and online by booksellers and publishing entities.  The book has not gone unnoticed by international publishing entities and booksellers around the world including Amazon, Author House, Ebay, Black Wells UK, Powells. Water Stones,  FNAC, Noble’s online bookstore, Biblio, Library, eCampus, Booktopia, Ebay, Vital Source and Dymocks.

Besides Dr. Gray’s new publication, three other faculty members of Liberia College have also published in their field of studies. The three distinguished faculties include Assistant Professor Richmond S. Anderson, Mr. Ambrues, Chair, Department of Political Science. The Professor Anderson publication titled: “Perspective on Analytical Writing: A Focus on Feature and Editorial Writing.

Prof. Gray currently serves as Associate Professor of International Relations, University of Liberia Graduate Program in International Studies(IBB Graduate Studies), Acting Chair, Department of English and Language Studies, University of Liberia and Dean of Liberia College (College of social Sciences and Humanities), University of Liberia.  Apart from his deanship, Dr. Gray also teaches Research Methodology and Thesis Writing courses including Comm 403 and English 431 at the undergraduate level. At the Graduate level, he teaches POSC 613 (Seminar in Decision Making in International Politics) which is taught at In the past, he taught POSC 512 (Government and Politics of Contemporary Africa), POSC 601(International Organizations and Administration) and POSC 507 (Survey of Comparative Politics).

He has supervised about 55 master’s theses and two doctorate dissertations over the past four academic years. Besides, he has wildly written and published over 200 research articles on contemporary issues. Dr. Gray’s peer-reviewed publications are often cited by graduate and doctorate graduates in their theses and dissertations. Similarly, his works are also referred and cited on the official homepage of some diplomatic missions and international research institutions.

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