ELECTIONS 2023: Know Your Candidate – Profile Of Sara Beysolow Nyanti

Liberia’s Lone female presidential candidate in the upcoming October 10, 2023 general elections is one of Liberia’s most respected international figures; her role at the United Nations speaks value, Sara Beysolow Nyanti is next in line of our regular slot, ‘Know Your Candidate’.

She is the presidential candidate of the opposition of African Liberation League Party, her quest is to overly bring a renewed reputation to the Liberian presidency when elected in these coming elections due to her high level of international experience as a woman of credibility as an international development expert, comes beyond preparedness for the presidency, with more than 20 years of professional experience and has been a United Nations Assistant Secretary-General since December 2021.

As a fountain of wisdom, experience, vision, and the mindset to liberate the Liberian state, Rev. Sara Beysolow Nyanti believes that it’s now time that she serve her people, especially after decades of working with different International NGOs; she acknowledges the demeaning effects of the senseless civil war in Liberia, but amid the crisis, she holds the perception Liberia isn’t where it should be as a nation.

Her political party, the African Liberation League, which many believes is a grassroots movement that is seeking ways to better the country and its people. She’s passionate about promoting gender equality and reducing gender-based violence, as well as making significant progress in the educational, health, security, agriculture, and all other sectors of government.

Speaking to a local newspaper, the Women Voices, Rev Beysolow Nyanti  said, “When we look at where we are developmentally when we look at ourselves in terms of institution building; we are not where we are supposed to be, we are lacking far behind. Yes we had a crisis but many other countries have crises”. I’m here because I want to serve you the Liberian people. I have served others around the world, I served children around the world; I served men and I serve, I want to serve you now”, she articulated.

Rev. Sara Beysolow Nyanti is a Liberian with roots in Cape Mount, Margibi, and Montserrado Counties. Rev. Beysolow is a wife, a mother, a grandmother, an entrepreneur, a humanitarian, and a diplomat.

She is also a Baptist prelate. Sara Beysolow Nyanti’s incredible journey with the United Nations began in the early 2000s in Liberia and took her on a whirlwind journey managing teams to save lives and contribute to nation-building in many countries around the world such as Nepal, Namibia, Nigeria, Yemen, the Gambia and South Sudan amongst others.

Before going to the United Nations, she also worked for the Government of the Republic of Liberia as a Special Assistant to the Minister of Health, subsequently, she was appointed as director of the National Aids control program where she’s credited for writing Liberia’s first successful project for the Global funds for AIDs, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM).

While at the United Nations, Madam Beysolow exercised her strong leadership abilities by the integrity required to manage an annual budget of over 1 billion in conflict contexts with excellent audits and no case of misuse of funds or property of the United Nations. And the system that she designed to pay cash to the poor people of Yemen is now being used in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Sudan.

As the transformational leader that she is, the African Liberation League standard-bearer said, she’s back to contribute her services to Liberia through leadership.

Supporters of the African Liberation League’s political leader are said to be excited, and optimistic of the election of their political leader who they claimed has all the qualities to another Liberia female President.

Source: Women Voices Newspaper

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