Mr. Pewee Baysah, ALJA National President

ALJA President, Pewee Baysah Extends Season’s Greetings To All

In a dispatch from the United States, the President of the Association of Liberian Journalists in the Americas, Pewee Baysah said, “On behalf of the Executive Committee of ALJA, I want to extend to all of you a happy and prosperous new year 2024. It was not easy as a family and organisation going through 2023.

However, our God with His infinite mercy saw us through! Glory to His name! In addition, our resilience to hold together has given a true meaning to who we are as ALJA family.

I am profoundly proud to be a part of this family. I want to say thanks for all you have done and continue to do for our Organisation. May this year bring joy, peace and prosperity to us all.

As we go through 2024, I want to encourage every member and associate member of ALJA to work together in uplifting its values and aspirations of advocating for social justice, the rule of law and press freedom in Liberia.

This is the pillar our organisation was built on and we must continue to fight for it. I also want to encourage the many Liberian journalists living in the Americas to join us in this cause.

ALJA has evolved over the past several years and I want to commend all members of ALJA for your unwavering support. I want to acknowledge our former Presidents; Joe Mason and Moses Sandy for their hard work in getting us to where we are as an organisation today. You served well and I am more grateful.

In conclusion, as we go about our daily activities, let us remember and celebrate the lives of our colleagues who are no longer with us. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed rest in peace. Happy New Year ALJA!”

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