Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism Wishes GNN Boss Season’s Greetings

The team at Wole Soyinka Centre for Investigative Journalism in Nigeria has extended Season’s Greetings to the Chief Executive Officer of one of Liberia’s leading online newspapers, www.gnnliberia.com, Joel Cholo Brooks:

See below the message:

Dear Cholo ,

2018 was an awesome year for us! The impact we accomplished at WSCIJ was a result of the interesting collaborations to impact journalists towards reporting investigative stories around specific thematic subjects.

For us, 2018 has come to an end on a wonderful note. Our offices will close operations for the year today, 21 December, 2018 and reopen on Monday, 7 January, 2019.

For any information or further enquiries, please contact us via email: wscij@wscij.org, or interact with us on social media – @WSoyinkaCentre.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in advance!


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