Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images

Why Was There A Sandbag On Stage? Joe Biden Falls At Colorado Graduation

Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images

Joe Biden tripped over a sandbag at an event in Colorado this week and many are wondering why the object was on the stage.

The US President was handing out diplomas at the Falcon Stadium to hundreds who were graduating from the US Air Force Academy.

Videos show the 80-year-old tumbling over and plummeting to the ground as nearby people rush to help him to his feet.

Joe Biden wasn’t injured and later joked he “got sandbagged” – but why was the random object there? Read on to find out…

The sandbag was on stage to secure two teleprompters that the Democrat had been reading from earlier in the ceremony, CNN reveals.

Both teleprompters had been taken away following Biden’s speech but the sandbag was still in the middle of the stage.

As he got up after the tumble, you can see the President pointing at the bag which had accidentally gotten in his path.

“There was a sandbag on stage while he was shaking hands,” communications director Ben LaBolt wrote on Twitter. “He’s fine.”

Read more of this report

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