Three Found Guilty For The Brutal Murder Of German National In Buchanan

The 13th Judiciary Circuit Court in Kakata, Margibi County has brought down guilty three persons for the alleged brutal killing of a German National in Buchanan, Grand Bassa County 2020.

The trial of three Liberian men who allegedly murdered a German national in Grand Bassa County last year finally commenced today, Monday,  December 13,2021 at the 13th Judicial circuit court in Kakata, Margibi county, 34 miles east of Monrovia.

Three men were charged with allegedly murdering the German national, Juergen Schedema of the International Consultant Capital (ICC) logging company in the port city of Buchanan, in early January of 2020. They have also been charged with Criminal Facilitation.

Late German national, Juergen Schedema

With one voice, the three of them pleaded not guilty to the charges levied against them, thereby joining issue with the state.

State prosecutors are to begin producing witnesses to prove their allegations against the defendants.

Defendants are all healthy in their bodies compare to other defendants at the Monrovia Central prison, including other prisons across the country, the court record says.

The court held a pre-trial conference on December 6, 2021,

The case was transferred from the second Circuit Court in Grand Bassa County to the 13th Judicial Circuit Court in Kakata, Margibi County.

The late Juergen Schedema, Manager of the International Consultant Company (ICC), was discovered dead early Wednesday morning, January 22, 2020 at the back of the log yard, which is located in Big Joe Town – more than a mile away from the port city of Buchanan, some 88 miles from Liberia’s capital.

The trial commenced during the 2020 November term of court after the defendants pleaded not guilty in to their crimes charged thereby joining issue with the state.

It can be recalled on July 23,2021, the prime suspect of the alleged killing of the German National John Kollie alias depree was arrested in Mount Barclay to his fiancée house.

According to eyewitnesses, Saah P-Early, one of the security on duty disclosed that about 1:30 am, 13 armed robbers wearing masks, trooped into the logging company’s compound in Big Joe Town. They came from the back of the company and entered into the building and first tied the four security officers who were at the front gate and took them into a room along with some other staff of the company.

The murder case involving the alleged killing of German national was transferred in March of 2020 to the November term of court A.D. 2020 after lawyers representing the defendants pleaded for jury trial, instead of a bench trial.

Jury trial was banned at the height of the COVID 19 pandemic and only bench trial was allowed a decision that violated the right of many pre-trial detainees in prison

The decision was made on Thursday, June 4, 2020 during the trial some 73 kilometers east of Monrovia.

The late Juergen Schedema, Manager of the International Consultant Company (ICC), was discovered dead early Wednesday morning, January 22 at the back of the log yard, which is located in Big Joe Town – more than a mile away from the port city of Buchanan, 88 miles from Monrovia.

Invoking Chapter 20.1 of the Criminal Procedure Law, Atty. Alfred B. Whelmes reminded the court of the rights of his clients to jury trial as provided for by law, a motion Judge Mardea Chenoweth granted.

In his resistance to the motion, the prosecution headed by Margibi County Attorney H. Deddeh Jomah Wilson, described the move by the defense as not being in good faith.

Atty.  Jomah noted that even before the opening of the Mat term of court, the defense team had adequate notice that owing to the COVID-19 outbreak, there would have been no jury trials.

At that point, Atty.Jomah argued that it was up to the defendants to decide whether they wanted a jury or bench trial.

Besides, the prosecution said after defendants Emmanuel Kollie and Joseph Cole entered a unanimous not guilty plea and the prosecution said they would continue with the production of witnesses.

The three are expected to be sentenced shortly.

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