Senator Dillon Challenges Justice Minister Stance That Request By CoP For President Weah’s Step Down Is Illegal And Treasonable

Montserrado County Senator Darius Dillon

Recent constitutional issues raised by the Attorney General of the Republic of Liberia and Justice Minister, Cllr. Frank Musa Dean that the request made  by the Council of Patriots (CoP) calling for the step down of President Weah is unconstitutional and treasonable, But Montserrado County Senator Abraham Darius Dillon to the contrary challenged the Liberian Justice Minister.

In his reaction to the Justice Minister statement, Senator Dillon said the right to protest and to call on the President to resign is constitutional, “To ask the president to resign is not constitutional, I challenge the Minister of Justice and any legal practitioner to a debate on this issue. The constitution says vacancy can be created in the office of the President by death, impeachment, incapacitation, resignation, and otherwise. The President can be asked to resign, the President can determine on his own to resign; with all of the two nor is unconstitutional,” Senator Dillon speaking to reporters yesterday at his Capitol Building office said.

Speaking further, Senator Dillon said he challenged the Minister of Justice, Musa Dean to tell him where it is stated that that to ask the President resign is unconstitutional, wondering as to where did Cllr. Dean learn his law, adding that the Minister of Justice in his communication to the CoP, replied saying that, “The Council of Patriots decision to ask the President to resign is unconstitutional, let go to Article 76 of the Constitution which says,  Treason consist of five advocating  or attempting to advocate of subverting or aspiring to subvert  is constitutional by use of force which attempts to undermine the constitution,” Senator voiced out when he spoke to reporters.

Giving an example on the appointment of Liberian Ambassador to the United States which was rejected by the Liberian Senate for not going through the proper channel, Senator also asked, “ Did the President committed treason by nominating and appointing an Ambassador to the United States without the knowledge of the Senate? This act on the part of the President was unconstitutional and treasonable, where was Musa Dean?, Senator Dillon also asked.

He further frowned on the role of the Justice Minister when constitutional elections were delayed and rescheduled, the issue of the delayed of the National Census twice which he noted  is also a  constitutional violation on the part of this government.

On Monday, the Minister of Justice replied the Council of Patriots denying that organization the right to protest and request the step down of President Weah is unconstitutional, and against the interest of National security, citing several Articles of the 1986 Constitution.

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