Scaring! As Senator Joseph, Rep Fallah Hold Meeting With Ex-Rebel Generals

Flash Back: Ex-Generals holding meeting

Report being circulated in Monrovia and its environs say ex-generals of defunct armed factions recently had what is believed to be a secret meeting with Montserrado County Senator, Saah Joseph and Representative Thomas Fallah of Montserrado County District #5 in Monrovia.

This alleged secret meeting with two of the ruling party lawmakers seems to ponder many Liberians who are wondering as to what give reason to such a meeting at this time when Liberians are battling with the deadly virus, COVID-19.

Liberians do not want to hear the name ex-generals reflecting what they went through during the nearly fifteen years of senseless civil war that took away the lives of thousands of innocent lives, and the destruction of the countryโ€™s infrastructural without any justifiable reason.

Montserrado County District # 5 Representative, Thomas Fallah

However, observers believed that the meeting held between the two lawmakers of the ruling party, the Coalition for Democratic Congress (CDC) could probably be connected to the pending midterm senatorial election where the ruling party is expected to put forward its candidate, Representative Thomas Fallah against Senator Abraham Darius Dillon of the opposition Liberty Party (LP). Speaking on a local radio show today, June 30, 2020, the Montserrado County Senator Saah Joseph rubbished the report.

The questions many are asking is why now, when Liberians are fighting the eradication of the deadly virus which has taken away dozens of lives in Liberia, and millions of lives globally.

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