Remarks by World Bank Liberia Country Manager Georgia Wallen Delivered at the 2024 National Agriculture Fair

Your Excellency President Boakai,
Honorable Minister of Agriculture and Members of the Cabinet,
Honorable Members of the Legislature and the Judiciary,
Distinguished Officials of the GOL,
Esteemed Partners,
Ladies and Gentlemen – and especially Liberia’s Farmers and agriculturalists:

On behalf of the World Bank, I would like to express hearty congratulations on the 2024 National Agriculture Fair! It’s a pleasure to join this week’s celebration of Liberia’s agricultural wealth and its abundant potential. Today we celebrate the fruit of the land, and the fruit of your labor. We celebrate the pivotal role of agriculture in Liberia – accounting for 40% of all employment & a leading sector and potential driver of economic growth.

Growth from agriculture is at least two times as effective in reducing poverty as growth emanating from other sectors. 2024 has seen new momentum in the agriculture agenda in Liberia, including the launch of the Liberia Feed Yourselves National Agriculture Development Agenda, and the ARREST Agenda for Inclusive Development. Agricultural growth and agriculture sector competitiveness are key to unlocking the future that Liberians want to achieve.

Liberia’s abundant natural resources, ideal climate, and rich potential are ripe to be harvested! Our cross-country analysis indicates that Liberia can be up to three times more productive in agriculture with upgraded technologies; improved inputs; further deployment, and investment in human resources.

Agriculture is absolutely critical for inclusive growth and job creation. In the coming months, the WBG will work with you on our new Country Partnership Framework with Liberia. Agriculture and Agri value chains will be at the heart of the agenda for inclusive growth and job creation. We look forward to consulting and working with you to further the potential of this essential sector to boost growth, job, creation, food security, and human development, while managing climate risks.

Once again, congratulations on today’s joyful celebration of the fruit of your land and the fruit of your labor.

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