President Weah Nominates Cllr. Frank Musah Dean To Replace Justice Nagbe, At The Supreme Court

The Liberian leader, Dr. George Manneh Weah has received and granted a request from Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of Liberia, His Honor Joseph N. Nagbe for an early retirement due to ill-health.

Associate Justice Nagbe, an astute lawyer and politician, was nominated by President Weah and confirmed by the Liberia Senate August 2018 replacing retired Associate Justice, His Honor Philip A Z Banks.

Prior to his ascendancy to the Bench of the Supreme Court, Associate Justice Nagbe served as senior Senator of Sinoe County at the 54th National Legislature.

In his acceptance of the resignation of the venerable jurist, His Excellency Dr. George Manneh Weah, President of the Republic of Liberia, expressed his unfeigned thanks and appreciation for the services of Associate Nagbe. He said it was his fervent prayer that the Almighty God would grant the ailing jurist his healing powers as he is on the path of recovery.

Meanwhile, President Weah has nominated Counselor Frank Musah Dean Jr., to replace Associate Justice Nagbe pending confirmation by the Liberian Senate.

In nominating Cllr. Dean to the Supreme Court Bench, the Liberian Leader said he harbor no doubt in the ability of the Attorney General to perform as expected of a high court jurist. He said Cllr. Dean has demonstrated a high degree of professionalism not just in the execution of his duties as Minister of Justice but also earned the respect of his peers over the years as an astute lawyer.

Cllr Dean is currently the Minister of Justice and Dean of the Supreme Court Bar-these positions he has held since assuming the Office of the Minister of Justice in 2018.

Cllr. Frank Musa Dean Jr., a renowned Liberian legal luminary, joined the Bar in 1992, and has since been an outstanding member of the Supreme Bar for more than three decades. He is the founder of the renowned Law Office of Dean & Associates.

Who is Cllr. Frank Musah Dean, Jr., BA, LLB, LLM.

The Ministry of Justice and Attorney General (AG) is the Chief Prosecutor of the Republic.  He is the Chief Legal Advisor to the Government and furnishes opinions as to legal matters and renders services requiring legal skill to the President and other agencies of the Executive Branch of the Government. The Attorney General also exercises supervision over all security apparatuses, including the Liberia National Police (LNP), Liberia Immigration Service (LIS), Liberia National Fire Service (LNFS), Liberia Drug Enforcement Agency (LDEA), Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation, National Security Agency (NSA) and the national intelligence gathering and management. The Minister of Justice chairs the Joint Security responsible for the coordination of national security operations.

Consistent with the Executive Law of 1972 Title 12, Section 22.2 of the Liberian Code of Laws Revised, June 9, 1972, the Office of the Minister of Justice, Cllr. Frank Musah Dean, Jr., executed Policy strategy and formulation of legislation, improved institutional capacity for effective service delivery and ensured the delivery of the PAPD Pillar 3 deliverables and interventions. He has introduced reform in the justice and the rule of law sector, enhanced security, justice, and public safety, and ensure the compliance of treaties, contracts, bi-lateral agreements and other applicable Domestic and International laws.

The following was achieved since my appointment and confirmation to date: Strategic Plan finalized; Proposed Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Law concluded and validated, to include Plea Bargain, Extension of terms of Court, Arrest and preliminary examination; reactivated the Civilian Complaints Review Board; reactivated the Policy Management Board for LNP and LIS. Other achievements include increase in the number of Sexual & Gender Based Violence crimes (SGBV) prosecuted and general prosecution of cases nation-wide; enhanced engagement with development partners to support the construction and equipping of two specialized Criminal Courts (Criminal Courts “E”) in Nimba and Bong Counties, devoted to rape cases; the design and coordination of security plan for the peaceful conduct of the 2019 bi-elections and the 2020 Senatorial Elections and Referendum, as well as the 2023 General Presidential and Legislative Elections.

Furthermore, at least 250 contracts and bilateral agreements were reviewed and legal opinions issued; legal advice on other matters arising out of law, including the Forestry Law, Maritime, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), Human Rights, including Treaties was ensured. Please see below the summary of major achievements.


  1. Enhance Policy, Strategy & legislation formulation, support, and dissemination.
  • Strategic Plan developed;
  • Amended and validated the Criminal Procedure Law, to include Plea bargaining, Extension of terms of Court, Arrest, and preliminary examination;
  • Drafted National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP) Universal Periodic Review (UPR); represented Liberia by Zoom at the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) Report
  • Finalized Draft of Public Safety & Private Security Act;
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) National Policy validated; and consultation held;
  • Developed and validated the National Training Manual for Traditional Authorities on Customary Law in Liberia;
  • Amended and validated Chapter 15, Offenses Against the Property Sub Chapter D, Theft and Related Offenses, of the Penal Law, Title 26, Liberian Code of Law Revised, to add thereto Section 15.63 Insider Trading, 15.64 Market Manipulation, and 15.65 Illegal Trafficking in Other Goods and submitted to the Capital Building for passage;
  • West Africa Police Information System (WAPIS) Act finalized and pending submission to the President; and
  • MoJ Gender Policy developed.
  • Fourteen (14) Regulations and Administrative Instructions were issued by the MoJ and signed by the President of the Liberia National Police and the Liberia Immigration Service sequel to the new LNP and LIS Acts, including the “Regulations on Rules and Procedure of LNP Civilian Complaints Review Board”;
  • Completed the amendments and passage of key sections of the Criminal Procedure Law by the Legislature, including – Plea Bargaining, Arrest, Term of court, Preliminary Examination, and relieving Judges;
  • Completed the development of the Legal Aid Act, awaiting passage at the National Legislation;
  • Completed the development of the BCR Autonomy Act that is before the Legislature for passage;
  • Completed the development of a Training Manual for the Traditional Leaders on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Liberia
  1. Improved Institutional Capacity for effective service delivery
  • Civilian Complaints Review Board Reactivated, chaired by the Liberia National Bar Association (LNBA);
  • Policy Management Board for LNP and LIS reactivated;
  • 189 staff capacities developed through training on filing documents and clerical skills (Administration, Prosecution and Probation);
  • 663 Immigration staff capacities built through training on: Border Security and Compliance with Immigration Laws;
  • 25 BCR staffs trained in compliance with National and International Human Rights Laws regarding prison; and
  • 12 personnel from the Technical Center of Excellence (TCE) trained in Radio Communication Infrastructure development maintenance (LNP, LIS, LNFS, LDEA, NSA, EPS).
  • Recommended and provided study leave to 13 employees to study abroad; 7 have completed and are contributing to the ministry, while 6 will be completing in the coming year (2024/2025).
  1. Effective contribution to the implementation of the Pro-poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD)
  • In coordination with the Chief Justice, developed and operationalized the implementation structure for Pillar 3 of the PAPD;
  • Completed assessment in (8) counties rollout of diversion program;
  • Increased the procution of SGBV crimes and general prosecution of cases nation-wide; and
  • Managed and operationalized the Gbarnga, Zewdru, and Harper Regional hubs;
  • Legal and policy frameworks in place that enable national authorities better to perform their duties in the justice and security sector;
  • Increased the prosecution of SGBV crimes and general prosecution of cases nation-wide; and
  • Monitored the various Circuits and Magisterial courts under the regional hubs;
  1. Improved Institutional Reforms and Functions
  • In collaboration with the Chief Justice, engaged development partners to support the construction and equipping of Criminal Court “E” in Nimba and Bong Counties;
  • Established the National Business and Human Rights Steering Committee;
  • Reactivated Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Unit (MoJ);
  • Established MoJ Gender Unit;
  • Acquisition of modern fire truck;
  • Renovated the Gbarnga Regional Hub in Bong County and
  • BCR, in partnership with ABA, upgraded its database system to digital and succeeded in applying the system to document all 262 prisoners’ documents that were burned at the National Palace of Corrections (NPC) during a prison break incident.
  1. Improved Security and Public Safety
  • Designed and coordinated the provision of security services for the peaceful conduct of the 2019 Bi-elections and the 2020 Senatorial and Bi-election and referendum;
  • Designed and coordinated the provision of security services for the peaceful conduct of June 7, December 30, 2019 and other protests with grave national security implications;
  • Reactivated and strengthened the Joint National Security Coordinator Mechanism.
  1. Improved Compliance with applicable Domestic and International laws
  • At least 182 contracts and bilateral agreements were reviewed, and legal opinions were issued;
  • Provision of legal advice on other matters arising from the law, including Forestry Law, Maritime Law, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), Human Rights, and Treaties.
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