Negative Criticism Is A Threat To National Security, Let’s Support The Government And Liberia To Succeed

By Hellen Momoh |

Helen Momo

We believe that there are justifications for the increasing criticism on the current administration. But we are also guided by our past, the high level of heartless corruption our country faced and those wicked and merciless acts imposed on our society leaving the country in suspense and suffering the rest of the people.  It is time to support the government and the country to leave this unbearable stage. HOPE THEY LISTEN!!!

Liberia is crying!! Liberia needs all of us!! Liberia is battle crying to succeed. Liberia had elections and it has been over 70 days since the president took office. We were all excited about a smooth transition; the first of Its kind under 100 years and the sustainable peace we still have. It is with deep heart I write to say that indeed, it is time to honestly help our country succeed. It’s heart bleeding to see Liberia’s future generation (young people) across the boundaries of Liberia engaging into fights always when Liberia is all we have.

A true patriot is the one who fights for the success of their country. A true patriot support and give a helping hand to those who are in the driving seats of the country’s destiny. The quote unquote loves for country we have should come with a constructive criticism which is very important and not destructive criticism. It’s a good thing to be strong and critical on issues but it becomes of no use if it is meant to destroy another person or an institution especially your country!

Our criticism should come with support to those in error. Our criticism should be more of a help than a destruction. Elections are over. Our political parties may not have won but it still doesn’t mean we cannot help and support those in power. Let our criticisms come with love, courage and togetherness. We maybe in different parts of the world but at the end of the day, we all have one place to go and that is our home and I am sure that no one wants to go somewhere that has been destroyed and messed up with violence!

It is sickening to see young people destroying each other when they should actually be there even in someone’s dirtiest mistake. Sick and tired of being divided all the time when we should be coming together to build and serve the motherland! “A house divided cannot stand” as it is always stated.

We Understand that everybody cannot be on the same side but it becomes pathetic when you even condemn the good as well just in the name of being an opposition! It honestly has no logic. Bone-tired of not having each other’s back. At times we should try to think of our country’s destiny. Why if we keep fighting with negativity and at the end of the day the destiny car of the country gets involved with accident? Where do we all go? Let’s put our hands together and make our country succeed!

It is obvious that no government will exist without having those who critique what the government does, but it becomes unpatriotic and in my view a threat to national security when we do not constructively criticize the government. In a society like ours where a very significant percentage of the population is illiterate, it becomes a threat to national security when a certain group of people decide to put the public under the perception that nothing good is happening under the new establishment.

Moving forward, our constant use of social media and the traditional news media to chastise the government in a very condescending and unspeakable manner has the potential of inflicting a huge ramification on the image of the country to the international community and foreign investors.

Fellow Liberians, I would very much like to say to us all that this government though it is a CDC led administration, but the unarguable truth is that, from Finance to the LNP to Defense, MICAT to Health, Agriculture to Foreign Service, this nation called Liberia is being led by some of our sons and daughters let’s support them and the country to succeed. For those who have had public service experience but were not incorporated by this new government, it would be a mistake for you to think that you are no longer useful to your country, in fact, this is when a useful and very productive citizen would do all they can to constructively engage the current authorities and make suggestions on what they think should or should not be done.

I wish we all could begin to employ a positive thought about this government and desist from predicting the downfall of a government that is still in its embryonic stage which in my view has a lot of prospect given the President we have.

Fellow Liberians, before I transition to my next point I would like to expatiate on before concluding, I wish to simplify my points by saying My people, let’s support our country, let us give the government all of the support and stop predicting doom for the country we claim to love.

Finally, I would like to speak to the consciences of top officials in the new government starting of first by saying how I trust and believe that the government of president Weah will certainly succeed.

I would like to call on officials of the government especially Cedicians who worked tirelessly to ensure the election of Mr. Weah not to see Liberians from other parties working in the government as strange group of people or strangers.

The huge task before us now is Liberia’s agenda and not the agenda of one group of people. Those officials of government who are partisans of the CDC must also do all they can to open arms to folks who now work in the government but did not support the presidency of our president (George Weah) to also open arms and give listening ears to those who are totally not part of the government on issues that matters to our society if the government as well wants to succeed.

Interestingly, we are all Liberians first, before becoming officials of particular political institutions.

They may not have supported Mr. Weah but the fact that they come with competence and love for country, the only good thing to do is to collectivize their efforts in the rebuilding process of our country. We need to remember that the challenges before us as a post war nation is not one that can be solved by only officials from the LP, CDC, UP, NPP or LPDP, this is a national struggle that requires all competent hands on deck.

There were people who did not support Mr. Weah but they too have great expertise and potential that when utilized could make meaningful impact and as such those from the opposition should not be treated like foreigners with a different agenda but to see them as also vision bearers of the Liberian dream and aspirations of a bright and prosperous nation where we all can thrive to do our best and contribute to nation building.

Let the Government and the Country Succeed. Say no to destructive criticism.

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