MRUYP-Liberia Chapter Condemns Electoral Violence In Lofa; Calls On UP & CDC To Take Shared Responsibility

The Mano River Union Youth Parliament-Liberia Chapter has termed as anti-democratic, uncivilized and a recipe for civil crisis the recent brutal violent clash which led to the death of at least three citizens in Foya, Lofa County Electoral District #1.

The electoral violence, according to multiple sources, ensued between some partisans believed to be members of the opposition Unity Party and the ruling Coalition for Democratic Change at the weekend.

In a press statement issued Sunday, October 1, 2023, the Speaker of the MRUYP – Liberia Chapter, Daniel Nills categorically denounced the incident and its perpetrators regardless of their political affiliation in the country.

Nills believes that the life of any citizen does not deserve to be taken away by another due to political, socio and ideological disagreement, especially so when the nation approaches the much publicized October 10, 2023 Presidential and Legislative Elections.

“The unwarranted and unacceptable brutal action which caused panic in several peaceful people in the area by those citizens believed to be supporters and or partisans of the CDC and UP totally contravened the Farmington River Declaration signed by political actors to maintain the peace,” the asserted in the statement.

The Speaker further extends the body’s heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families of the fallen Liberians.

He also called on all patriotic citizens, including the Liberian government and all political parties and independent candidates to protect the peace before and after the October polls.

The Parliament has at the same time welcomed the joint statement of the ECOWAS and the United Nations condemning the act.

Daniel Nills said the MRUYP – Liberia Chapter joined the two global bodies in calling on the Liberia National Police to speedily make public an impartial and investigative report on the matter.

Meanwhile, the group Speaker termed as troubling for the UP and CDC, having been linked to the brutal electoral violence to shift blame on each other.

Daniel N. Nills urged the two major political institutions to be responsible enough to take full responsibility of the act and aid the police in the investigation process.

“We caution those political institutions to warm their respective partisans to refrain from any action that undermines the peace and stability of the country,” he emphasized.

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