LRA Certificates 61 Customs Brokers, As CG Nah Calls For Integrity In Service

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has certificated 61 Customs Brokers, following three weeks of training in online testing and evaluation in customs brokerage and professional operational standards.

The 61 successfully completed the requisite requirements for qualification including competency based training, testing and licensing.

Customs brokers are private individuals, partnerships or associations licensed to assist importers and exporters in meeting requirements governing imports and exports. They act as professional agents for an importer or exporter, prepare and submit all documents for clearing goods through customs.

The licensing of the Customs Brokers, the second batch under the LRA, was done in keeping with Section 6.0 A (iii) of the Customs Brokers Revenue Administrative Regulation which mandates the LRA, through the Office of Professional Responsibility Section, to administer Customs Brokers Competency Licensing Examination as a standard for practicing custom brokerage.

LRA Commissioner General Thomas Doe Nah, speaking at the event on Monday, (October 1, 2018) challenged the licensed customs brokers to exercise a high level of integrity and professionalism in carrying out their line of duties.

“As we certificate and license you today, I am asking you to place integrity in the discharge of your duties with the public and the LRA,” CG Nah advised the brokers.

He noted that customs brokers are core partners of the LRA and as such must play pivotal roles in helping the Authority to execute its mandate of revenue collection.

The LRA Boss urged the customs brokers to be open minded and give feedbacks to the LRA about issues hindering their operations.

He also noted that LRA remains committed in forging a new relationship with customs brokers, based on integrity and valuable customer relations.

At the same, time LRA Assistant Commissioner of Customs Operations William Buku, encouraged customs brokers to fully understand and abide by all regulations governing their activities.

He wants brokers to add value to their work by acquiring new technological skills to enable them file their documents on the LRA digital platforms.

Speaking earlier, LRA Professional Responsibility Section Officer-In-Charge, James Y. Gayflor, admonished the newly licensed brokers to work within the confines of the regulations at all times.

A representative of the newly certificated customs brokers, Kansualism Berk Kansuah, thanked the LRA for the training and called for a collaborating partnership with the Authority.

He assured the commitment of the brokers in upholding integrity in the performance of their work.

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