Liberians Despite Of Situation ‘Economically’ Celebrate Christmas Joyously, Seek God’s Guardian For The Country’s Youthful Presidency

Liberian leader, President Weah  in joyous mood after switching on the Christmas Tree on the grounds of the Executive Mansion

Liberians today, December 25, 2018 joined the rest of the world to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ despite the reported unbearable hardship being faced by the majority; many who spoke to our reporter say they are overwhelmed of this day, being the birth month of Jesus Christ.

Jesus, according to history was born circa 6 B.C. in Bethlehem, his mother, Mary, was a virgin who was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter. Christians believe Jesus was born through Immaculate Conception; this day is traditionally observed with the sharing of gifts.

Some Liberians who spoke to our staff expressed gratitude to the Almighty God for reaching them thus far to see this historic day, and also blessed God for ushering in a new leadership of the nation, but craved for his timely intervention to redeem the country from the hands of those they considered as greedy and unpatriotic leaders.

Our reporter who toured the city and its environs said Liberians and their fellow foreign residents were seen merrymaking at their respective residence, while kids who are usually on this day go to entertain centers and visit family members and friends were being restricted to stay home as was recently pronounced by the Liberian leader, President George Manneh Weah, that Liberians should stay indoors on this day and pray for the nation.

Prior to today, December 25, 2018, the eagerness of Liberians to celebrate this year’s Christmas in grand style did not go as many expected due to the lack of funds; many, especially civil servants were disappointed because their salaries did not arrive on time to handle some domestic issues including the provision of Christmas gifts to their kids and other family members.

”I don’t even know how my kids will eat on this day, I did not get my salary, but was only provided with a 25 kilo bag of the ‘Pro Poor’ rice by my ministry; this cannot even help, know money to buy soup kind, and other needy items to make this day joyous,” Samuel Kai Toe a resident of central Monrovia in a chat with our reporter complained.

Like Samuel, others explained similar story to our staff, but urged the Liberian Government to do better in the year to come, stressing, “President George Weah who came to power by popular votes must seek the interest of the people who voted him to power, instead of only enriching themselves and their families at the detriment of the larger population,” Saralyn Kollie of Doe Community adding her voice, noted.

For 15-year old Aaron K. Thomas, the pronouncement by the Liberian leader, President George Manneh Weah that everyone should stay indoor on this day pondered him, wondering as to why the President should make such declaration, adding,”  I thought this day was for us; we the children to go out there and merry make by visiting our relatives and friends, and also do some sightseeing around the city such as the historic Providence Island, and the grave site of our former presidents,” Thomas speaking to the GNN asked.

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