Liberian Senate Debates Dual Citizenship Bill

Members of the Liberian Senate

The Plenary of the Liberian Senate on Tuesday reconvened discussions on the Dual Citizenship Bill proposed by Maryland County Senator Dan Morias.

The Bill seeks to amendment Article 28 of the Liberian Constitution which states that any person, at least one of whose parents was a citizen of Liberia at the time of the person’s birth, shall be a citizen of Liberia, provided that any such person shall upon reaching maturity renounce any other citizenship acquired.

Several Senators, including Gblehbo Brown of Maryland County, Francis Paye of Rivercess County and Milton Teahjay of Sinoe county, argued that it is not possible for an individual to be loyal to two nations and as such the bill should not be considered.

The Senators again said that it is wrong to have a Liberian citizen taking-up another nationality, arguing that several nations across the world are moving forward with their development programs without permitting dual citizenship.

At the same time, the proponent of the Bill, Dan Morias, as well as supporter Henry Yallah of Bong County, noted Article 28 of the 1986 Constitution should be amended to adjust to international best practice, adding that dual citizenship will bring development to the country.

The two Senators argued that the passage of the Bill will improve the livelihood of ordinary Liberians.

They stressed that Liberia cannot remain isolated from the rest of the world and as such accepting dual citizenship will improve the country’s economy and expand development.

The debate, however, surrounding the passage or rejection of the proposed law has been rescheduled for Thursday, March 7, in the chamber of the Liberian Senate at the Capitol Building in Monrovia.


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