Liberian Registry Holds Industry Seminar in London
The Liberian Registry held its annual seminar in London on 16 November. The event was held at the Trinity House in London. It was well attended by over 70 people from various segments of the shipping industry, including: ship owners, management companies, class societies, equipment manufacturers, ship finance, the legal community, and International Shipowner organisations. The seminars speakers included: Mr. Thomas Klenum, LISCR’s Executive Vice President of Innovation and Regulatory Affairs; Mr. Dallas Smith, LISCR’s Head of LNG and Alternative Fuels; and Mr. Kostas Ladas, the General Manager of LISCR UK.
This event presented an overview of the latest developments at the Liberian Registry. Mr. Ladas emphasized the tremendous amount of development of the Registry coming from Europe and from Asian owners that has allowed Liberia to be the fastest growing registry in the world for the 4th consecutive year. The delegates were also informed of the veracity of Liberia’s Dynamic Prevention Program and the huge accomplishment for the Registry to be admitted into the QUALSHIP 21 program. The announcement of Liberia’s new website and Duty Officer Videoconferencing Service with live global 24/7 video support was received with great interest by the London maritime community.
Mr. Smith, Senior Vice President of Commercial and Business Development, said, “It was great to have the opportunity to meet with such a large group of London’s maritime industry leaders and be able to discuss the ongoing decarbonization challenges; as Port State Control statistics; Liberia’s culture of compliance; and the current global sanctions regime and its impact on shipping. We are going to have to work together as a whole to ensure we can have a smooth transition to a zero-emission sustainable future. The Liberian Registry is always looking for new opportunities to work with our partners to help remove barriers to approving new technologies, innovative design features, and alternative fuels.” This type of partnership is the key reason the Liberian Registry is leading the way to decarbonization. Liberia currently has issued over 30 AIPs for JIPs, has the most deep-drafted dual fueled vessel on the water, and over 28% of the market share of ordered newbuild LNG Carriers.
Mr. Klenum was quoted saying, “It was great to be in London and a true pleasure to speak at this well attended seminar, and to provide the Liberian Registry’s view on the IMO regulatory framework, opportunities for innovation, and our participation in JIPs and Joint Development Projects with Far Eastern shipbuilders, classification societies and other key stakeholders – all this are key drivers for our industry’s joint pursuit to decarbonize international shipping in line with IMO’s initial GHG emission reduction strategy. Furthermore, I see this seminar as an opportunity to express our appreciation and thanks to the UK and London maritime community for their strong support to the Liberian Registry’s growth in terms of ship owners flying the Liberian flag.”
Source: The Liberian Registry
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