LIBERIA: You Have Chosen The Right Path… Gender Minister Tells 15th Graduating Class of BDOTC

On Friday, March 12, 2021 the Business and Domestic Occupational Training Center (BDOTC) graduated over three hundred (300) females from various disciplines which include: Tailoring, Baking, Management, Food and Beverage, Cookery, Beauty Culture, Event Decoration, Braiding & Weaving and Housekeeping.

According to the Institution’s history, BDOTC is one of the training arms of the Ministry of Youth and Sports under the Department of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET). The Institution offers specialized skills training to disadvantaged youth especially young girls and women, to obtain employable and self-sustainable skills.

Delivering the keynote address, Gender, Children and Social Protection Minister Williametta E. Saydee-Tarr reminded graduates that Technical Vocational Education and Training has been adapted globally as a clear cut occupational roles in society and a well structured career path.

“The knowledge you have acquired throughout your studies in this institution is not only a demonstration of your hard work and dedication, it’s a testimony of how much passion you have to serve your country in different areas of service delivery”, Minister Tarr told the graduates.

The keynote speaker encouraged the graduates to practicalize the acquired skills to further enhance development not only in Liberia but the world at large.

“As I look through your unique group, I see ambitious faces of several young leaders who will inspire change in our country over the years to come. I commend you for making the logical and rational choice of forgoing other engagements out there to come and invest your time in the acquisition of knowledge which we all believe will benefit you, your families and global society”, Minister Saydee-Tarr averred.

She pointed out that life in itself is endowed with complexities and unending complications but staying focused will obviously lead to overcoming adversities even with limited resources.

“Throughout your study here over the last months, I’m sure that there were struggles in providing all of the materials needed to make your learning easier. In spite of all of the hurdles, you proved to be focused and I must say to you that you have a government that is committed to the total transformation and betterment of the educational sector”, the Minister expressed.

“Pillar One of the Pro-Poor Agenda for Prosperity and Development (PAPD) has to do with giving POWER TO THE PEOPLE. This encapsulates the provision of quality education for all of our citizens. As a government, we have proven our commitment through the declaration of free higher education for all public schools. The inclusion of more teachers on the payroll, digitization of registration and other processes at the University of Liberia, payment of WASSCE Fees for all twelve and nine graders and the continuous allotment of subsidies for private universities and vocational training institutions are further testimonies to our interest in building a more vibrant educational sector”, Gender, Children and Social Protection Minister told the graduates.

The keynote speaker stated that during the just ended International Women’s Day which was celebrated on March 8, 2021, she called on the Women of Liberia to cease their moment and begin to compete with their male counterparts for every available opportunity. She said, whilst she wish the best for all but she would be specifically thrilled to see that the women and girls of the graduating class utilizing their skills to prosper and empower others.

“I assure you that all of the interventions we have made as a government will prove incapable of making you overcome your adversities if you are not focused. As you walk out of this Hall today, Liberia, your families and other young people will be counting on you. You have turned yourselves into natural mentors and you must be willing to endure the responsibility that comes with mentoring others”, the keynote speaker encouraged.

Minister Saydee-Tarr concluded by thanking the Senior Management Team of the Ministry of Youth and Sports for insisting on the maintenance of the center and ensuring that all of its various programs remain functional.

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