LIBERIA: Motorcyclist Who Was Brutally Killed In Maryland County Finally Laid, As Superintendent Prowd Assures Fair Justice
From E. Varney Kamah | GNN Correspondent In Maryland County|
Hundreds of Marylanders on last Saturday, May 15, 2021 paid their last respect to the motorcyclist, Mordecial Nyemah who was brutally killed on March 25th, 2021 in Bassiken town between Gand Kru and Maryland Counties.
The befitting burial ceremony of the late motorcyclist was held at the Maranatha Heritage Assembly of God Church in Pleebo City,and was graced by several Maryland residents, including local county authority, business community, the motorcycle union, youth Groups, student community, national security, religious community, rural women, civil society organizations, members of the media in the county, chiefs, elders and other well-wishers.
Speaking at the funeral ceremony, Maryland County Superintendent George A. Prowd empathized with the bereaved family and assured them of fair justice into the murder of their relative.
Superintendent Prowd mentioned that the Government of Liberia is concerned about protecting the lives of its citizens across the country, and will not condone any form of ritualistic killing across the country. Adding that all of those involved into the death of the late cyclist will be judged accordingly and prosecuted, when found guilty.
“Fellow citizens, our presence here today, is to mourn with you the bereaved family, for the death of your son who is to be buried today”.
Superintendent Prowd condemned the act of ritualistic killing, and acknowledged that similar situation occurred when he just got appointed as Superintendent, but said, it was challenging to be handled.
“We like to again condemn the gruesome murder of Mordecious Nyemah. There have been several deaths of this kind, since we took over as official of this county. It is only this death that brought out the suspects. There were times we got confused, about how to start, where to start from, and how to go about the case because we had no suspect… Times like this, it puts us into a bad situation and became more embarrassing…that the citizens looked up to us for solution…sometimes, its like they want us to point at people, or for us to perform miracle because they needed a solution, which has been very difficult”.
He mentioned that in 1978, similar situation occurred, that involved a superintendent and other high profile government officials, and they were hanged publicly; the act which, Superintendent Prowd described as inhuman and he overemphasized that it is not possible for him to be involved.
” When you reflect your minds back to history, and get to know that most of those people who were involved into ritualistic killing, were government officials…I remember, there was a superintendent who was cut for ritualistic killing and was hanged. As such, the people look at us…but its not so my people, its not so ooóo my people..not because it happened in 1978, that a Superintendent was involved into ritualistic killing, so today in this 21st century, again to see a Superintendent to be involved into that evil act, its not possible my people, it is not possible”.
Maryland Superintendent expressed happiness that suspects of the murder case of the young cyclist Nyemah were arrested and placed behind bars, awaiting court trials.
“We are too happy and thankful to God that one of the suspects Moses, who was the first to be arrested; out of deal, without medicine, without threats or torture, he started calling names of people who are involved into the death of Mordecial….Fellow citizens, with these facts on hands and behind bars, we have a strong case, and this Case must be pursued….the burial of Modecious today, does not in any way ends the case. The same way you want justice for Mordecial.. that is exactly the same way we are doing everything possible for a fair justice into this case”.
Superintendent Prowd cautioned the citizens to be law abiding and assist the government during times like these, instead of staging series of protests that would disrupt the county and shut down the economic.
“At the same time, when situation like this occurred, let’s not move into the streets to destroy private and public properties in the name of protest. We have received dozens of letters from parents including other concerned groups concerning our children who are in prison…we have forwarded those letters to the national government to look at them but it means we need to enter into the case first, and later we will start to engage the President for him to kindly execute his constitutional power by uttering executive clemency, and our children will be realized”.
He announced that the local Authority will provide transportation for at least three members of the bereaved family, to enable them travel to Zwedru and witness the case.
“When the case is about to be heard, the Local Authority will provide transportation for any there members of the bereaved family to join us to Zwedru and witness the case in Zwedru. So that they will be able to listen for themselves, and see if the murderers who are behind bars, will continue to call names and say the truth, or they will refuse to admit before the open court.
In conclusion, Superintendent Prowd promised to present the amount of 1,500 United States dollars to the bereaved family on Sunday, May 16, 2021.
“In my own name as your Superintendent, we the members of the Local Authority will be meeting tomorrow evening at 5pm with the family, there we will present the amount of 1,500USD as our own way of sympathizing with the family. May God bless you and thanks for coming”. Maryland Superintendent George A. Prowd said.
Preaching during the Funeral service was Rev: Nathaniel Tarley Kalu, who preached under theme: Life is Useless, from Genesis 4: 8–10 of the Old Testament and Matthew 25:13 of the New Testament.
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