LIBERIA: Montserrado County District 2, Jimmy Smith Crafts New Development Strategy

By: Alphonso Nynti*

Rep. Jimmy Smith

The political leadership of electoral district #2, Montserrado County under the direct legislative representation of Rep. Lt/Col. Jimmy W. Smith has for the first time in the political history of Liberia crafted what is known as “the ward system” wherein power is given to the people of the district to decide what kinds of projects they want in the respective communities.

Under this new development paradigm, the district which comprises of over fifty communities is being divided into various wards, with each of the wards composed of, chairman, Co-chairman, Chairlady and Youth Chairman who are under obligation under the ward system to submit the identical project proposals to the District Development Council (DDC).

The District Development Council headed by its Acting Chairman, Mr. Joel Gayflor, who will then liaise with the office of the incumbent representative of the district in person of Rep. Lt/Col. Smith to source the relevant funding for projects.

In line with this new strategy, the people of the district recently held series of elections and elected the Chairmen, Co-chairmen, Chairladies and Youth leaders for the various wards in the district.

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