In Cape Mount : An LDEA Agent Accused of Theft

From Mack Rogers |GNN Correspondent | Grand Cape Mount |

The Tewor Magisterial Court in Tewor District has forwarded a burglary and a theft of property case to the fifth Judicial Circuit Court for further adjudication.

The case  involving LDEA Agent Samuel Quiqui, Bo youth Leader Swalihu Paasewa and a quarter chief of Bo Community, Boima Sambola.

Recently, the youth leader of Bo Swalihu Paasewa and his quarter chief, Boima Sambola complaint Agent Samuel Quiqui of the LDEA of illegally entering his room without a search warrant from the court.

In the process, the complainant alleged that his laptop and the amount of $500.000 Liberian Dollars went missing from his room.

The Judge of the Magisterial Court, Jacob Rogers reached the decision to transfer the case to the circuit court on Tuesday, August 25, 2020. And he instructed his clerk of court to forward all documentation in continuation with the case.

Thursday last week, the Magisterial Court held a pre-trail conference with both the complainant and the accused at which the case was rescheduled for hearing today at the same court.

During the pre-trial conference on August 20, 2020, the complainant alleged that his money and laptop got missing following the LDEA search in his room and when the LDEA Agent took the stand admitted entering in the room but was done through a tip up accusing the complainant of being a drug dealer.

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