Jonathan Paye-Layleh

I Clearly See A New Liberia On The Horizon

Jonathan Paye-Layleh |

I have come to announce something. From the look of things, God simply wants to rescue Liberia, using an aging Joseph, Joe Boakai, a man of wisdom.

I’m glad young people are now convinced that Weah has let them and all of us down.Β  He was given a unique opportunity by God to prove skeptics and his critics wrong.

God wanted to know how he would translate popularity and celebrity to national service and find direction for the multitude of hopeless, disappointed and weary young people following him.

But George simply went his own way, forgetting and reneging on the vow he had made to friends and people, including me, to provide a sound leadership if given a national space to lead someday.

Many days I sit and reflect on those discussions. In some of the discussions it was just he and I. This is not the George I knew. But I can say to young people: no worries.

Once our country has returned to normalcy, rule of law restored, looting of state assets and rampant corruption stopped, civility re-enforced, forming government on the basis of ethnicity abolished, and equal work for equal pay reintroduced, there will be so much for all in this tiny population and country. You will realize the private sector will be so vibrant that government will not be the sole employer.

Thank God we are getting there. Thank God for the trend of events. The high-profile endorsements of the JNB-JKK ticket in recent days are just so unprecedented and overwhelming. So let my sing. I see our blessings coming, I see them comingggg!!

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