House Moderates Vow To Block $3.5 Trillion Budget Until Infrastructure Bill Is Law

Source: Daily Caller

Nine moderate House Democrats vowed in a letter released early Friday to not vote for Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget until the bipartisan infrastructure package is signed into law.

The letter, dated Thursday and addressed to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, threatens the Democrats’ strategy to take up both infrastructure and the budget simultaneously. Progressives already conditioned their support for the bipartisan package on the House passing the budget, and Pelosi pledged not to vote on the infrastructure bill until the Senate passes the budget in an attempt to hold her own caucus together.

“The country is clamoring for infrastructure investment and commonsense, bipartisan solutions,” the letter adds. “This legislation does both, and will help us compete with China and others in the global economy.”

The infrastructure bill puts approximately $1.2 trillion toward improving America’s roads, bridges, ports, drinking water pipes and broadband internet access. The Senate passed the infrastructure bill Tuesday with 69 senators voting in favor.

“With the lives of hardworking American families at stake, we simply can’t afford months of unnecessary delays and risk squandering this once-in-a-century, bipartisan infrastructure package,” the letter says. “It’s time to get shovels in the ground and people to work.”

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