Death Threats Hunts Minister
Tangible information reaching the desk of one of Liberia’s most investigative newspaper the Nation Times says that most government officials of the ruling Collaboration for Democracy Change (CDC) who lead the country for the past six years have been secretly targeted and risk assassination from their own Sabu Unit which had been led by Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee.
The Sabu Unit was formed as a militant wing of the Congress for Democracy Change (CDC) in 2005, led by Jefferson T. Koijee and which challenge the Liberian Security Sector for 12 years under President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. Sabu Unit is comprising of hard cord criminal, former rebel generals and ex-combatants from various warring factions etc.
Information gathered is that the Assistant Minister for Administration of the Ministry of Youth and Sports Fametta Bracewell escape assassination plot after she had constantly been warned by the CDC Secretary General and current Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee to stop spreading what he termed as information that will discredit the Government of President George Weah.
It can be recalled that Assistant Minister Fametta Bracewell engage authorities of the Ministry of Youth and Sports on series of corrupt and financial malpractices within the entity. Assistant Minister Bracewell allegations reign from the payment of Bridge and Waterway project, scholarships awarded at the Monrovia Vocational Training Center β MVTC, extra tickets being printed by some people during the county meet games and that all these monies were being collaborated by the CDC Secretary General and current Monrovia City Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee.
Assistant Minister Bracewell was confronted by Jefferson T. Koijee who assure her that if she don’t stay away from spreading misinformation, she would end up somewhere she wouldn’t like. He Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee told her that they will get rid of anything that is termed as instigator to the success of the CDC led government.
Confronting Assistant Minister Bracewell, Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee also said that those other ones that said they had audit documents on us and that our government was corrupt are sleeping forever with their evidence of corruption and if you want to take that role you congo girl is up to you. Anything that we deemed necessary that is not in the interest of our government will be erased 100% and I can assure you so anything you see that is not going well leave it and just work. Assistant Minister Fametta Bracewell was missed at her home that caused her to relocate in Sinkor.
Assistant Minister Bracewell latest incident of death threats on her life was after the announcing of the final results she receive a strange call which advise her to no sleep at her home anymore because there are some people that have been ordered to assassinate her. The caller made reference to one Michael Hardgrave who is a former rebel general and also a bodyguard to Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee.
Former rebel general Michael Hardgrave is from the NPFL and was responsible for the Ivory Coast invasion which led to the massive killings in that country. Former rebel general Michael Hardgrave is along with some former members of the Charles Taylor Anti-Terrorist Unit ATU and is providing protection for Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee and is also believed to be responsible for most of the suspicious deaths around the country.
Speaking from her exile country, Assistant Minister Bracewell said, β I am a Liberian citizen. For the past 6 years I saw how two auditors Gifty Lama and Albert Peters supposedly die on broad streets. I also heard about the death of our former IAA boss Emmanuel B. Nyeswa who die in his own yard that he built over the years. I also saw how auditor George F. Fanbutu die in an accident, but his head was supposedly split with an axe while driving his car. Ohhh yeah I heard Matthew Innis die in a hit and run accident but his body looks like he had been beating by 10 men. I also heard terrible news how former Chief Justice daughter die linking it to our CDC SG Jefferson T. Koijee while he had a press conference with Bodyguard, Vallee Telleh by his side.
For Mayor Jefferson T. Koijee to pronounce Vallee Telleh who is an ex-rebel and someone that cannot read or write as a City Police officer is scaring and warrant attention by international actors.
My escape from Liberia was predicated on all these threats and allegations against my life so I had to write the president’s office on medical grounds to leave the country.
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