Commercial Usage Of ‘Megaphone’ Overwhelm Liberia’s Youthful Population

The commercial city of Monrovia and its environs is witnessing a new wave of commercial activities amongst the youthful population of Africa’s oldest City, as many, mostly young men and women are now using megaphone to accelerate their daily business activities, especially the sale of their goods and services.

The usage of megaphone by young boys and girls to sell their products to the public on a daily basis seems to be overwhelming in the City and its environs, as many loudly using this technique to draw the attention of the buying populace, disregarding the feelings of the greater population by loudly playing their respective recordings on their respective megaphone.

GNN reporters who spoke to many of the users of this instrument to sell their goods and services, especially scratch cards of various GSM companies, said they were into this venture to enable them return to school, and also feed themselves daily, Daniel Johnson, 22, holding his megaphone in his left hand with messages prerecorded such as “Buy scratch cards, put minutes on your phone, buy your data,”  noted that he uses this to pay his school fees and feed himself.

For Sarai Cooper, 25, carries her wheelbarrow filled with several edible food stuff including biscuits, apples and many others with her megaphone announcing her prerecorded messages about her good and services; calling on people to come and buy what she called ‘Mobile Supermarket’.

Majority of those who are in such a business, and also spoke to the GNN blamed the government for not coming to their aid to provide them with jobs and other benefits, after those in government were elected.

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